Living In A Diesel - (Sienna X Lion Faunus Male Reader)

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Sienna Fanart By: charian07 On Reddit

Requested By: DarkSoulsDepression

Published On: October 16, 2020


Sienna would have never expected to be rescued by an ex-huntsmen of all things when Adam Taurus tried to kill her and take over the White Fang, the ex-huntsmen found her bleeding out in an abandoned train yard. She tried to get away from him but she wasn't strong enough and he just simply picked her up and took her to an old diesel locomotive, inside the old locomotive was furniture and everything, Y/N must have been living in here for a long time.

At first, she was very hostile towards Y/N and would barely speak with him but she knew she had to heal up before she could leave, over the weeks though she slowly warmed up to Y/N and the two got to know each other better.

It turns out Y/N has been living here for 5 years now ever since his last two teammates betrayed him and took the life of his girlfriend, after barely escaping with his life he now lives in this diesel locomotive hoping to forget about what happened.

After a while Sienna started helping around the place, helping Y/N hunt some animals for food and then cook, helping him get some wood for some fire, they both grew very close, very quickly, and soon they had both fallen for each other.

Soon Sienna was no longer conflicted about staying here or returning to fight Adam, she had made up her mind and told Y/N how she felt and unsurprisingly he felt the same.

She didn't once regret abandoning her former life for the simple but fulfilling one she has now, and it's all thanks to an ex-huntsmen living in a diesel.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting DarkSoulsDepression

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now