From Menagerie To Argus - (Kali X Schnee Male Reader)

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Kali Fanart By: ADSouto On DeviantArt

Requested By: Reecethebeast23

Published On: August 22, 2020


The sun is rising as I'm driving to Argus from Kuchinashi with Y/N sleeping in the passenger seat with his head on my shoulder. We have been driving for hours now, going home after finishing another mission. Y/N and I have been vigilantes for 5 years now and we have given the Belladonna name reputation, we have become a symbol of hope for people all over Remnant.

Since we are vigilantes instead of Huntsmen and Huntresses we sometimes depending on if the situation calls for it use less...official and/or legal ways of bringing our enemies down, however, we don't just take jobs from anyone and strive only to do jobs that bring justice to the people in need and bring down the criminals above the law.

Y/N and I met back on Menagerie five years ago... back then I was the leader of the White Fang and chieftain of Menagerie, but the people were growing restless and wanted a new leader, they were beginning to think that lashing out at the humans would solve their problems and bring them the fair treatment they desire. Y/N and I met when he was asking if I knew of any places where he could store his car for the night, but the Faunus on Menagerie due to its crowded nature don't have any cars and there really wasn't any place suited for it. We started talking about all sorts of things and I offered him to park his car by my house where it would be safe and for him to stay the night, he ended up staying with me the entire week while waiting for his boat back to Vale.

I quickly fell for Y/N and after finding out he worked as a vigilante that traveled all over Remnant to help people out of bad situations placed upon them by criminals the law couldn't or wouldn't touch I decided that I would join him. I divorced Ghira as I knew he never truly loved me and only married me for the Belladonna name and its legacy of warriors, since the White Fang and Menagerie desired a new and more violent leader I decided to resign and let them choose another one knowing sooner or later they would go down this self-destructive path anyway.

I confessed to Y/N and asked him if I could join him, turns out he had also fallen for me and wanted to tell me but didn't since I was married. We ended up dating and left for Vale where Y/N introduced me to the life of a roaming vigilante. I decided to visit with him Blake at Beacon where by coincidence her teammate happened to be Y/N's sister Weiss. It came out they weren't on good terms at all and that Y/N was hated by Weiss and Winter, his mother Willow was the only one he kept in contact with while his father was dead and deeply despised by him. two years after we started dating Y/N proposed to me and his sisters didn't take that very well.





Weiss: "I do know Blake very well!"

Y/N: "She has told me how you treat her!"

Winter: "You are just dragging our family name even more in the mud!"

Y/N: "As far as I'm concerned my only family is my mother!" he cried stomping right up to the two sisters' faces.

Y/N: "Besides... I'll be known as Mr. Belladonna from then on" he happily said.

Winter: "How could you!?!" she said as she and Weiss looked shocked.

Y/N: "You two always hated, absolutely fucking despised me and treated me like dirt just because I wasn't going to be as vile of a piece of shit like you two and your monster of a father, It was the three of you and your disgusting nature and actions that dragged the family name into the mud!" he said.

Y/N walked to the door until he turned around looking at the two sternly.

Y/N: "You two are banned from the wedding, and if I hear that you two even tried to get in I'm taking action."


It was pretty bad but Y/N just cut his sisters out of his life once and for all and abandoned the Schnee name and with it left all of the wrong expectations people always have of him based on his sisters behind. We soon got married and went to Vacuo for our honeymoon. Our honeymoon was amazing, we went and checked out all the sights and attractions the kingdom had to offer and I once surprised Y/N with a reservation at a nice restaurant. Oh and we fucked plenty of times! can't forget those hot, sweaty, and screaming nights...

Recently we bought a house in Argus and have decided to finally settle down and live there full-time, right now we were coming home from our last mission. Willow also decided to live in Argus so she could be closer to her son.

I looked at Y/N still sleeping with his head on my shoulder...yeah life is going to be amazing with him...


Yang: "Thanks for allowing me and my sister to stay here for the holidays Mr. Belladonna"

Ruby: "Yeah it means a lot! I always wanted to check out Argus and spent a holiday with my friends, killing two birds with one stone!" She said excitedly

Y/N: "No problem! any friend of Blake is a friend of ours, but please just call me Y/N"

Blake: "Thanks again, dad!" She said while hugging him.

Y/N: "No problem darling, why don't you show your friends the guest rooms and join me and your mom in the kitchen."

Kali: "N/N! I need you back in the kitchen!" She called

Y/N: "Coming sweetheart!" He said as he went to the kitchen.

Blake went upstairs with Yang and Ruby to show them the guest rooms

Ruby: "These holidays will be awesome!"

Now the Belladonnas are a happy family in Argus...

AN: How you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Reecethebeast23

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now