Eternal Cold - (Winter X Atlesian Soldier Male Reader X Penny)

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Winter Fanart By: ADSouto On DeviantArt

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: March 5, 2021


It was still early in the morning as I made my way through the refuge base, only a couple of guards were walking through the halls. The base only illuminated by the sun rays shining through the windows, a calm but somber aura around the place.

I finally got to the cafeteria and got some food and coffee for Winter, I knew that if I didn't get it for her then she would never eat. A couple of people wave to me and I wave back, I leave before anyone can pull me into a conversation, I'm handling it better than Winter, but even I'm still mostly trapped in my thoughts.

Without a sound the door to Winter's room opens, as I step inside I can see her still sitting at her desk, doing endless amounts of paperwork. I gently pull the paper she was writing on away and put the tray and cup in its place, she looks up at me for a moment before looking at the tray.

Penny: "You still need to eat, so don't think of pushing it away" I said in a firm but gentle tone.

She doesn't say anything making me frown again, she just starts eating. At least I can get her to eat, I can't get her to rest.


I rush over to the kitchen when I hear the oven beep, I quickly turn it off and get the trays out. I look them over once they are on the counter, both the cookies and the cake look perfect. I get out some plates and put the cookies and cake on them, everything was now ready for my guests.


Y/N: "That'll be them, right on time too" I said as I made my way to the door.

When I open the door I'm greeted with a hug by Weiss and Blake, I let them inside.

Y/N: "Right on time you two, just got done baking." I said making Blake salivate and rush to the kitchen.

Y/N: "laughs Well someone is sure excited" as I followed her into the kitchen.

Weiss: "We didn't come alone Y/N, there is someone close to me that I want you to meet." She said making me turn around.

Besides Weiss stood a taller woman, she was in a sweater with a white jacket over it and a black scarf, long black pants, some tall, tough-looking boots. She was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen and her outfit only made her more of an angel.

???: "ɘɿυliɒꟻ"



I'm in the office area dropping off the paperwork I have already completed, when I was done I wanted to leave, I was stopped when I heard my sister talking.

Weiss: "Don't lie, I know you like being the small spoon." She said with a smirk as she poked Yang's shoulder.

Yang: "Alright fine, I do like it, I just love being in your arms honey."

Weiss: "There it is, no need to try and look strong in front of me"

I couldn't help but start crying, it hurts to see their lovey banter, I couldn't stand it and walk out of there.


Ruby: "What do you think?" She asked me as she held the comic up to my face.

Y/N: "Looks amazing!" I replied.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now