Aftermath - (Robyn & Fem Clover X Ironwood Male Reader X Fem Qrow)

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Qrow Fanart By: dishwasher1910 On DeviantArt

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: September 10, 2021


The fires, the smoke, the Grimm attacking innocent people left and right...

The sights and sounds repeated endlessly in his head, tormenting him as he sat in the same dark, silent basement he's been sitting in for weeks now.

One part of him couldn't believe that this was reality, thinking that all of this was just some kind of dream, but his other part knew there was no going back to better days.

He just sat there on the ground against the wall, unable to do anything with his injured left arm and broken right. He didn't want to see anyone, not after he failed them all.

He wasn't left alone in the house anymore, not after they found him about to jump from the highest window in the house. A second attempt was out of sight for him now, his arms in no condition to allow him to use other methods.

Upstairs in the kitchen were three women, all looking on edge as they were seated at the table. They didn't know what to do anymore, the pain of their love neverending.

One of them was an experienced solo huntress, the other a member of the infamous Happy Huntresses, the other a member of the Ace Operatives. All of them were vastly different, all originally coming from different parts of Remnant, the only link they share being Y/N...

Qreole wasn't exactly a prim and proper person, more of a "brutish rogue" as Glynda always said, but she couldn't help herself fall in love with the general. She found his reactions to her flirting really cute, acting all proper while trying to contain his blush...not to mention that men in uniforms did it for her...

Cleva knew from a very young age that she wanted to be a huntress, someone who would help the kingdom of Atlas like the huntsmen and huntresses that inspired her. She didn't know about the Ace Ops program, surprised when she was offered a position, she took it...seeing a chance to see her crush more often...

Fighting for Mantle made Robyn think increasingly worst of the general, her mind making him look ever more like a ruthless, emotionless monster that didn't care one bit about Mantle. Her tune changed when the general invited her for a talk, an invitation she gladly accepted so that she could really lay her claws into him...or so she thought...

...She walked away from that meeting feeling bad for the general instead, something she thought she would never feel. He apologized to her for Mantle's bad state and explained to her in detail the reason why most of the resources are going elsewhere, showing the hopeless situation that he was in that forced him to be the bad guy in Mantle's eyes.

Now they sat here in a house in Argus, one that was arranged by some of their friends after they arrived here. They made absolutely sure that no one knew that they were living here, the attention not being something that Y/N needed right now.

Qreole: "I'm gonna go out and grab some groceries" She says as she gets up.

Robyn: "Okay, just don't be away for too long."

Qreole: "Will do" She responded as she lit herself a cigarette and left.

Cleva: "I just don't understand why he shuts us out..."

Robyn: "Cleva...millions are dead, not to mention the people he knew personally, the other Ace ops and Winter dying in front of him, he should let us in but it's perfectly understandable why he feels like this and is shutting us out." She replied looking at her in disbelieve.

Cleva: "If only I was with them..." She muttered hopelessly.

Robyn: "That wouldn't have helped, you would've just died with them..."

Cleva: "I just want my Y/N back!" She cried out as she broke down crying.

Robyn: "I know" She whispered as she hugged Cleva.

With millions dead, a kingdom fallen, and priceless friends and loves lost...they were left to pick up the pieces of their hearts in the aftermath...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Gnawsome1

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