The Ravens Of Music - (Raven X Singer Male Reader)

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Raven Fanart By: Lulu-Sensei On Reddit

Requested By: ShaneEe358

Published On: October 4, 2020


20 years ago I started my music career and it took off surprisingly quickly, which meant concerts and getting a bodyguard. I met my wife Raven when she came to me for the bodyguard position and with her skill she immediately got the job, she turned out to be very protective of me and did her job incredibly well even saving my life on a couple of occasions.

After only a couple of months of her on the job we got together and she even announced it directly at one of my concerts, I didn't expect her to get even more protective but I find it very cute.

We already hang out every day and that only increased tenfold when we got together and it quickly let me to surprise her with a ring on stage at a concert, I had never seen her so red in the face and shy...very cute...

When we married I took on her surname as a sign of my trust and devotion to her as well as to distance myself from my ass of a father, Raven loved it and was very proud to have a Mr. Branwen, to say the least.

One day when I came home I caught her singing while she was cooking and at first, she pretended like it never happened, but after much persuasion I was able to convince her to sing a couple of songs with me in the studio, the people loved it and soon the 'Branwen Duo' was talked about all over Remnant. Raven herself didn't admit to it at first but she loved singing and dancing with me on stage, she even once continued to sing and dance while fighting off a crazy hater who tried to get onto the stage.

Throughout the years Raven got pregnant...four times! which meant we had to cut back on concerts here and there and do more studio recordings instead. All four children turned out to be girls and we all loved them very much, as they grew up they worked really hard to become singers like us, and soon 'The Branwens' became more than just a duo but an entire family singer group.

Raven: "Honey...Honey it's to wake up, we have arrived at the hotel" She whispered as she shook me gently and gave me kisses on the lips and neck.

Y/N: "We got here faster than I expected" I replied as I stretched and then gave her a kiss.

Raven: "Come on! the girls are already waiting outside, they are pretty excited to explore" She said as we both left the bus.

Weiss: "Can we go and look around for a bit after we checked in?" She asked looking very excited.

Y/N: "Sure, we just have to get back before midnight to get enough sleep for tomorrow's concert" I answered as I ruffled her hair.

And so we made our way into the luxury hotel...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting ShaneEe358

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