Little Rose's Victory - (Ruby X Android Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: mistEcru On Reddit

Requested By: MuThErShUcKeR

Published On: October 14, 2020


Yang was limping away, trying to find a way out, but the alleyway ends not too far from the street. She spots a fire escape and starts climbing up, that is until her broken ankle gets grabbed by Y/N who with his inhuman strength tears her down onto the ground, dislocating her right shoulder in the process, Yang could only scream as she was brutally murdered by the machine, all under the watchful eyes of her younger sister...

Weiss never liked Y/N and he always seemed to silently tower over everyone whenever Ruby was around, at first she thought it was just her trust problems that made her think like that, but after a couple of months she was convinced that something was wrong, that something was unnatural about that man and her teammates agreed, so they tried to get Ruby to ditch him, but the young team leader was not pleased with that at all and it quickly caused even more fighting in the team, ending with Ruby refusing to sleep or hang out in the dorm let alone be seen with her teammates.

When Myrtenaster went straight through his torso blood did come out, but he didn't react to it at all and simply pulled it out before throwing it to Ruby who broke the blade with no remorse, all the Schnee could do now is stare up in fear at the 7-foot man as he stared back with his heartless eyes. She would be found hours later by some other students stapled to the wall and with her eyes scooped out.

Blake had always been skeptical of other people and their intentions, that native distrust was of course only amplified by her time at the White Fang. Blake had tried every possible explanation for Ruby's sudden change of personality and where Y/N her new boyfriend came from, but ultimately all of them led to a dead-end, except for Y/N, it always seemed to lead back to Ruby's new boyfriend, the man that suddenly turned up with no explanation.

Even with the sudden shift in personality, there was no way she could have ever seen it coming, would Ruby really be okay with this? would she really let this happen to her? but as she bled out in the middle of Vale's streets in the cold winter night she finally came to terms with it, that the little Rose has lost her ways...

Myrtenaster's revolver, Gambal Shroud's handle, and Ember Celica's chamber, they all stood on the Rose's shelf as a reminder of her victory over those who have kept her down, of those that wanted to temper her potential, and as the sun went down she went out with her boyfriend, looking for more victories...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting MuThErShUcKeR

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