After That Tour Bus!! - (Cinder & Emerald & Neo X Rockstar Male Reader)

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Cinder Fanart By: kimmy77 On DeviantArt

Requested By: PlagueOfShadows

Published On: February 20, 2022


As always the roads of Vale were crowded with cars, but there was one that caused more grief amongst motorists than any other, a tiny old grey Mini puttered along the roads, its engine sounding strained, and the there women inside the car argued nonstop.

Cinder: "How the fuck did we lose it!?!" She cried at Emerald.

Emerald: "I don't know and stop shouting!" She cries back, trying to not lose her shit as she navigated the streets to the best of her abilities.

Neo: "All we had to do was follow the damm bus Emerald." She says, using her scroll's TTS.

The girls were following the personal tour bus of their rockstar boyfriend Y/N L/N, they chose to not ride with him but rather without his knowledge, trying to see if any of his fangirls were trying to make a move, however, it turned out to be easier said than done.

Emerald: "Don't give me shit as well Neo, you two need to remember that this is MY car and if I want I can just kick you two out onto the curb."

Cinder: "You won't do that, because you wouldn't have a skull left if you did." She says in a low tone.

Emerald just looked away, deciding that living and driving was indeed the better option.

Neo suddenly leans forward from the rear seats, pointing at something, after a second of confusion Cinder sees a bus just leaving around a building.

Cinder: "THERE IT IS!! STEP ON IT!!"

Emerald: "I can't just do that, we're in the middle of traffic."


Emerald swerves in between lanes, cutting off cars and even going onto the walkway for a moment, successfully getting to the road that the bus turned onto. By the time they reached the right street, the bus was already turning onto another one, annoyed Emerald started driving even faster, tires squealing as she went over a bump.

Neo starts tapping Cinder's shoulder till she finally looked back, making her look out the rear window, at the cop cars that were now chasing after them.

Cinder: "FUCK!! Emerald we have to get to the bus RIGHT NOW, we can hide in it while they search the Mini."

Emerald races past more cars into oncoming lanes, almost at the intersecti-

Cinder: "LOOK OUT!!"

Too late did Emerald see a car that had just joined from the intersection, she quickly swerves to avoid it, resulting in the mini flying over a railing and going airborne, landing after several seconds in front of a concert site.

The girls had been flung from the car, landing harshly on the ground as their auras shattered instantly.

Cinder: "...Fuck..." She muttered as they slowly got up.

Emerald: "At least we're ali-"

The Mini caught fire and exploded behind them, sending them flying into dirt further away.

Thankfully the fire was automatically put out by a group of women and men in black suits.

The girls were dazed when suddenly a person walks up to them, looking up they realize it was their boyfriend, who looked amused but also not fully approving of their actions.

Y/N: "Uh...girls? why the fuck are you still following me as if we weren't together?" He asks, almost bursting out in laughter.

Emerald: "Uh...hehe...funny thing...uh..."

Y/N: "And this even after I invited you guys to come with me on the tour bus, because ya know, you're my girlfriends!"

Cinder: "We did it to see if any of your fangirls would try to make a move on you." She blurted out.

Y/N: "Uh...huh..."

Emerald: "So uh...Y/"

Y/N: "I'm not paying for the Mini's repairs, this wouldn't have happened if you guys simply went with me on the tour bus." He says, cutting her off as she looks at the ground sadly.

Emerald: "It was worth a try." She sighs dejected.

Y/N: "BUUUT, I'll pay for it to get towed back to our home."

He helped the three girls off the ground and gave each of them a kiss, making them blush with his smile.

Y/N: "Now then, let's go find a nice hotel and relax, I didn't get a single second of sleep last night."

As they walk off, Y/N's bodyguards just look on puzzled and slightly tired, knowing that they will be the ones that will have to clean up the mess caused by the car crash.

Emerald: "How about we go to a love hotel?~"

Y/N: "We can fuck later, right now I just want to sleep with you three cuddled up to me."

And with that, they walk down the streets, the swearing of Y/N's bodyguard being heard throughout the city as they tried lifting the charred car pieces...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting PlagueOfShadows

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