Favorite Customer - (Pyrrha X Male Reader)

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Pyrrha Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Requested By: AnimeLoverzz2005

Published On: September 21, 2020


I have been working as a waitress at the phoenix diner for 2 years now, it was a simple job as the place wasn't too big and the people were always nice, amazing pay too! But since the beginning of this year, there has been a customer that has captured my attention, one who I can't stop thinking about. His name is Y/N and he is here every day we are open, he always orders and we would have a little chat and I'll even join him during my breaks. He is such a sweet man and it didn't take me long to fall for him and start looking forward to every time he would come through those doors. But for whatever reason, he hasn't shown up this entire week so far and it was already Friday! I already greatly miss his smile, the nice chats we would have, all of it!.

I was needed at another table but when I walked over there to take their orders I saw it was Yang and Nora, both of them became good friends of mine as they were regular customers and I even found out they know Y/N too.

Pyrrha: "Hey you two! do you both want the usual?" I asked knowing full well the answer already.

Yang+Nora: "You know it!" They both answered with a laugh.

Yang: "So how's your day been?" She asked interested.

Pyrrha: "It could be better, I'm just kinda missing my favorite customer."

Yang: "laugh You are soo in love with Y/N" She said with a smug smile making me blush.

Pyrrha: "I-I....was-" I was stumbling on my words before Nora interrupted me.

Nora: "You wound me Pyrrha! and here I was thinking we were your favorite customers" She said clearing joking.

Yang: "Y/N has been badly sick this entire week so he has just been home"

Pyrrha: "Do you know his address?" I asked greatly concerned for his wellbeing and ready to immediately get over there.

Yang: "Sure do, here I'll send it over to your scroll." She said as she sent it over.

Pyrrha: "Thank you, I'll have your usual burger and pancakes here in a minute." I said leaving for the kitchen.

The rest of my shift was absolute torture, I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N and being concerned about his wellbeing, I even almost messed up some orders a couple of times as a result of the mess in my head.

As soon as my shift was over I made my way to the address to make sure he is all right, I also took with me some medicine and a couple of other items.

I knocked on the door and after a short while it opened revealing a very pale and sick-looking Y/N, he looked very surprised to see me.

Y/N: "P-Pyrrha?" He asked with wide eyes

Pyrrha: "Good evening Y/N" I said cheerfully as I hugged him.

Y/N: "W-What are you doing here a-and how did you find me?" He asked utterly confused.

Pyrrha: "Once I heard you were sick I came over as quickly as I could, I can't have my favorite customer be all alone and sick" I answered as we went inside.

Pyrrha: "I brought you some medicine, tea, and other items as well, not to mention your favorite from the diner...CHEESECAKE!!" I said as I revealed the wrapped-up cake.

Y/N: "W-Wow thanks Pyrrha, it means a lot" He thanked me.

Pyrrha: "Now you just get back into bed and I'll make some tea for you." I said as I tugged him into bed.

Y/N: "I must be dreaming..." He muttered.

Pyrrha: "What was that?" I asked pretending to not hear him.

Y/N: "N-Nothing..." He answered blushing.

And so I spent the rest of the day caring for my sick Y/N, who wasn't very good at hiding that he liked me...especially since he still can't decide if this is real or a fever-induced dream.

Pyrrha: "Here comes the medicine!" I said as I held the spoon in front of him.

Y/N: "I'll never understand why you would spend so much time and effort for someone like me" He said before swallowing the medicine.

Pyrrha: "Because I love you!" I said making him choke on his own spit.

Pyrrha: "laughs You weren't exactly very subtle about liking me or your desperate attempts to hide it, I was just wondering if you were gonna say it." I said making his blush explode deep red.

Y/N: "Do...D-do you maybe want to go out on a date then when I'm healthy again?" He asked shyly.

Pyrrha: "Of course! I was going to ask you out if you weren't" I said before kissing him straight on the lips.

Y/N: "PYRRHA!! You could get sick...even if I really enjoyed that."

Pyrrha: "That is a risk I'm willing to take for your sweet lips."

I love caring for my sweet dorky Y/N...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting AnimeLoverzz2005

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