Love Outta The Dumpster! - (Protective Cinder X Shy Male Reader)

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Cinder Fanart By: katellimey On Reddit

Requested By: Dragonboy86

Published On: November 7, 2020


I step out of my house into the rain, I walked around to the back towards the dumpster. For a week now I have constantly been annoyed by loud bumping noises coming from it, today I was gonna put an end to it no matter how. With great force I ripped open the lid of the dumpster making it bang against the wall, the light revealed a man my age quickly backing up against the other side of the dumpster, like a rat crawling into its hiding spot. I ripped the lit completely of its hinges in annoyance and lit up a flame in my hands, if this guy was so intend on living with my trash then I was going to burn him with it.

But when I was about to use my semblance to quickly strike him down, I found that I couldn't do it, my heart felt connected to his soul as I stared into his E/C eyes. After a couple of seconds I kicked the dumpster over instead, making the man fall out of it onto the ground, with his full body revealed to me I could see horrific scars all over his legs, he was missing his lower left leg and in its place was a crudely attached set of wood pieces, I looked into his eyes again and saw that he was frozen in fear now. Without thinking about it I picked him up in a bridal carry making him go completely stiff, Without saying anything I carried him inside.

He was still scared and stiff as I placed him on the couch, the man avoided eye contact with me. I went and quickly got my first aid kit, I got everything I had out as he was in very rough shape.

Cinder: "Can you get your clothes off? you're in very rough shape and I want to make sure I don't miss any injuries." I asked him.

He just removed his clothes without saying anything, he didn't have any underwear on much to my embarrassment. I just improvised and got him a towel to cover up with, surprisingly he didn't seem to be embarrassed about the situation like I was, his face remained in the same state of stoic miserableness as before.

Cinder: "This is awful!" I called out as I inspected his crude prosthetic if you could even call it that.

The wood pieces were held together by some bend scrap metal, the thing was attached to his leg by metal flaps that end with spikes that go into his leg, not to mention that the wood pieces themself have started to stab into the stub itself.

Cinder: "Did you...did you do this yourself?" I asked as I went to hold his hand.

At first, it seemed like he wasn't going to respond but then he croaked out with a broken voice, it was clear he hasn't talked in a long time.

???: "Y-Yes, being able to run is more important than the pain..." He said without emotion, but I could see the sadness in his eyes.

Cinder: "What's your name?"

???: "Y-Y/N...Y/N L/N"

Cinder: "Well Y/N I am going to patch up your wounds, this will also include removing this...prosthetic as it's been doing more damage than good."

Y/N: "Okay"

I couldn't understand why I cared so much for this man who I just met, a man from the streets no less, but for some reason I did and it hurt me to see him in this state, it hurt me to listen to his screams of pain as I removed the prosthetic. Once the wound was clear I could see just how bad the damage was, whatever removed his leg originally did so in the most brutal and horrific way possible. It took me a while to get the bleeding to stop and the wound properly patched up but I was finally able to move to the rest of his wounds. All over his body were deep scars, burn marks, his body had basically every type of injury, all of them were never treated and most of them never actually healed, and the ones who did have done so incorrectly. Hours later I was finally done for good, Y/N has fallen asleep after all the pricking and prodding, after all that pain he was out of energy. I made sure his pillow supported his head properly and then tugged him in, once I was in my bed I was out within seconds.

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