Forgiven But Insecure - (Sienna X Male Reader X Pyrrha)

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Sienna Fanart By: NachocoBana On DeviantArt

Requested By: HopeTheAssassin

Published On: November 6, 2021


Pyrrha: "Good morning sweetie, we have something for you~" She says gently as she and Sienna enter Y/N's bedroom.

But both of us get an unpleasant surprise when we see that Y/N wasn't there, a note lying on the bed instead. Disappointed and saddened I put the tray down and pick up the note, terror gripping my heart as I read it.

I'm done with you two, you have stripped me of all my happiness and turned my life into nothing but a barrage of stress, anxiety, and anger. I'm never coming back, I'm off to find a woman who will truly love me and not tear my sanity apart. - Your Ex Y/N

Pyrrha: "...No...No...NO...NO!!" I scream out as I drop to my knees and start crying.

Sienna: "It's all your fault that Y/N left us!!" She shouts at me.

Pyrrha: "NO!!!" I scream out as I sit up on the couch.

I clutch my chest and try to control my breathing as I look around the living room, I had once again fallen asleep watching my show. As my breathing calms I slowly stand up, my legs shaking as I walked towards the bedroom.

My heart starts to race again when I open the door and see that Y/N isn't in the bed, my mind starts to tell me that my nightmare was right after all. Hurridly I go through every room and check for Y/N, not calming down until I finally see him slumped over his work desk asleep in the garage.

I slowly walk over and just watch him sleep as it helped me calm down, his cute snores reinforcing that everything was fine.

Everything was normal now, but my mind doesn't let me forget what happened half a year ago and how it endangered mine and Sienna's relationship with Y/N. 


Y/N had just gotten home from work and was feeling terrible, having gotten sick over the course of the day and also getting a migraine. I was about to suggest some ways I could help him relax, only for Sienna to intervene and try to one-up me, something that resulted in ANOTHER heated argument...

Our bickering kept getting worst, further agitating Y/N's migraine. His hands started to shake as he had a hard time controlling his emotions, probably regretting that he came to his own home.

Y/N: "THAT'S ENOUGH!!" He screamed out as he slammed his hand down on his desk, instantly silencing both of us.

He got up and faced us, not bothering to hide his glare in the slightest.

Y/N: "You know damm fucking well that Sienna left the White Fang Pyrrha, if she was secretly conspiring to kill me then she would've already done it ages ago, not to mention that I'm of no fucking importance to them anyways!!" He called out firmly as he pointed his finger towards me.

Sienna: "Yea..." She mutters as she sighs in relief.

Y/N: "And you! you better stop antagonizing Pyrrha by trying to one-up her, not to mention how you're constantly trying to use her change from Huntress to Librarian in your arguments with her!" He firmly responds as he now pointed his finger at Sienna.

Sienna: "Hey-"

Y/N: "Both of you cut that shit out! when I got into a relationship with the two women I love, I didn't think I was going to constantly find myself stressed out in the middle of a war zone." He said to shut both of us up for good.

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