Branwen Charm - (Weiss X Son of Qrow Male Reader X Blake)

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Weiss & Blake Fanart By: Keethy On DeviantArt

Requested By: @Reecethebeast23

Published On: August 19, 2020


Currently, Weiss and Blake were getting ready in the bedroom for their night out with Y/N, as they were preparing they started to talk about the events back two years ago when they first met Y/N.

Back when they also became the first 3-man team in Beacon and Hunter history, Y/N was assigned to them after freshly joining Beacon as Blake and Weiss's previous teammates dropped out.



Blake and I were outside in the courtyard just relaxing and discussing a few things when...

Y/N: "Excuse me, ma'am, sorry to interrupt but I was hoping if you knew a Ms. Schnne and/or a Ms. Belladonna. I was told by Ozpin that I'm their new teammate."

I couldn't help myself from blushing at the sight of the man before me, the sun shone through his H/L H/C hair, and his E/C eyes stared into my soul accompanied by a kind smile.

Weiss: "O-Oh that would be me, I'm Weiss Schnee and this is my partner Blake Belladonna." I introduced myself hoping to make the best possible first impression.

Y/N: "Glad to meet you two, I don't know if Oz already informed you two but I'm going to be your teammate, my name is L/N, Y/N L/N" He said while shaking our hands.

Blake: "W-Why don't you join us? we were just hanging out and we could get to know each other better." Blake was stumbling a bit with her words still blushing.

Y/N: "I would love to, maybe start off with any questions you may have about me?" He asked sitting down.

Weiss: "Well, where are you from?"

Y/N: "I was born here in Vale, but over the years I have been in all of the kingdoms helping people here and there."

Blake: "Why did you want to become a Huntsmen?"

Y/N: "It never really was a question for me as to what I would want to do later in life, my father is a Huntsmen and I always wanted to be like him."

Weiss: "Who's your father?"

Y/N: "My father is Qrow Branwen, he was a part of Team STRQ. They actually graduated here at Beacon." Both Weiss and Blake were in shock, how didn't they hear of him sooner if he's the son of a STRQ member?

Blake: "W-Wait if you are his son then why isn't your last name Branwen?"

Y/N: "I love my father and I do not at all have a problem with carrying his name, but as you can imagine being the son of a well-known huntsmen let alone one from Team STRQ comes with....unwanted attention that isn't exactly always positive."

Weiss: "So you picked the name yourself or?"

Y/N: "Sure did!, both as a way to get around unwanted attention and to also stand on my own as a person and not have people judge me on the expectations of being a Branwen"

Blake: "What's your weapon?"

Y/N: "This is it!, I call it 'Maker's Lady'! quite a heavy katana and it's also capable of channeling dust and giving off some powerful shots" he explained as he gave his weapon to Blake.

Blake: "How does it shoot?" she asked examining the sword, looking for some kind of barrel.

Y/N: "Like this!" He said as he channeled his aura into the weapon as it activates and splits the katana's blade down the middle leaving it a katana with space inside of the blade serving as the barrel.

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now