You Are My Home - (Weiss X Earth Male Reader)

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Weiss Fanart By: ao.david23 On Reddit

Requested By: Subjecttoread

Published On: September 18, 2020


It was a nice afternoon, people in the city were waving at me and saying hello, the sun was shining brightly as it slowly went down. I was currently making my way home to my lovely wife after completing another Grimm extermination mission, I was really excited to see her after spending all day on the mission and barely could stop from bouncing around in giddiness. After a couple of minutes, I finally arrived at my home, the place where I'll always be welcome and be free of any concerns and insecurities.

When I stepped inside I saw Weiss singing while cooking, just her being her usual cute self.

I'm amazed at how even after everything that happened I still found happiness and somebody who accepts me the way I am.


Originally I didn't come from Remnant or even this universe it seems, I came from a planet called Earth, a planet that is very different from Remnant and much worst. Originally I was nothing more but an experiment devoid of the chance to have a normal life, they would do all kinds of tests on me no matter how much it would hurt. As a result of all these tests I was no longer normal, I had several scars and burn marks not to mention the lack of legs, it was even one of those tests that accidentally transported me to Remnant.

I met Weiss not too long after when I came out of a random ally in some city that turned out to be Vale, when she saw my injuries and my lack of legs she instantly helped me and even stayed with me in the hospital where we got to know each other. Once I was free and Weiss even paid for cybernetic legs I was taken by her to Beacon and thanks to her being a huntress there she was able to get me in despite that I didn't have a team or really any experience.

Once I got my Aura unlocked by none other than Weiss of course I didn't need much training to discover and perfect my semblance, my semblance is "Cyber" allowing me to like a robot or cyborg just relentlessly dish out damage and take damage. The other students at Beacon were afraid of me and stayed as far away as they could or just called me a freak, Weiss was always there for me and we hung out every day. After only a few months we started dating and when we graduated I proposed and we have been living together ever since.


Weiss: "Oh Y/N! how long have you been here?" She asked surprised when she finally noticed me.

Y/N: "For a few minutes now, just watching my wife being cute." I replied making her blush.

Weiss: "How was your mission?" She asked as she hugged me and gave me a couple of kisses on my face and neck.

Y/N: "It was pretty easy, not too many Grimm, actually kinda fun." I replied hugging her back.

Weiss: "Well dinners ready my warrior and I even made your favorite." She said with the biggest smile.

Y/N: "I really need to learn how to cook so I can return the favor for all this amazing food you make."

Weiss: "I don't know, I like cooking for you." She said as we both sat down to eat.

No matter what life has to throw at me, as long as I have my wonderful wife at my side then I'll always have a home to come back to.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed it!

Thanks for requesting Subjecttoread

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