Cozy Love - (Yang X Male Firebender Reader X Weiss)

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Yang Fanart By: Shirukun On DeviatnArt

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: October 23, 2021


Winter had arrived again and this time it had Patch more tightly in its grasp than ever before, engulfing the entire island in snow and ice that seemed thicker and heavier than anything its inhabits have ever seen.

Tired from making his way through the bad weather Y/N steps inside his house, dragging a bag of wood with him. Slowly he takes off his boots and hangs his jacket onto the rag, making his way towards the living room and more specifically the furnace.

He opens the furnace doors and starts placing the wood pieces inside, making sure to do so strategically for the best possible fire. Once he was done he places the bag of wood into the crate beside the furnace and then ignites the fire with his semblance, warming his hands on it for a moment.

When he gets up from his knees he's face to face with all the photos he's placed on top of the furnace, each a cherished memory he'll never forget. He takes two photos and sits down in his recliner, his back finally getting to relax. He wasn't an old man by any stretch, just twenty, yet hard labor made him feel on some days like he was about to break apart.

With only the fire illuminating the room he fondly stares at the two photos, a smile appearing on his face. The first photo was of his wife, smiling at the camera with an arm around his shoulder, the photo taken on her scroll from when they met for the first time...


Now Y/N wasn't weak by any stretch, having often helped his friends here on Patch with their lumber jobs or cars, etc...

...Though he wasn't a fighter...and he certainly wouldn't have thought that he would ever get into a situation like this, yet here he was fighting off Grimm to protect a woman he didn't even know. The Grimm weren't anything too serious, some small Beowolfs, though it kept him busy for several minutes as more kept coming.

The woman was lying on the ground with a broken leg after she was almost killed by one of the Beowolfs, luckily Y/N arrived just in time. Normally his walks through these hilly areas were quite peaceful, but judging by the woman's clothes she was new around here.

Y/N: "ARRHG!" He cries as he brings down the final Beowolf.

Slowly he turns around panting to face the woman, she looked at him in wonder. He goes up to her and crouches down to inspect her leg, relieved to see that there aren't any additional injuries on top of it being broken.

Y/N: "What is it?" He asks as the woman still looks at him in utter wonder.

???: "S-Sorry, It's just that I have never seen anything like that" She answers, looking away blushing.

Y/N: "You're not from around here right?"

???: "Yeah I'm a city girl, I come from Vale."

Y/N: "Well if that's the case then what are you doing out here on this island?"

???: "I was going to visit my half-sister, this is the first time I'm coming to her place as opposed to the other way around."

Y/N: "I see, well I'll have to carry you to the hospital it seems."

???: "A-Are you sure?" She asks blushing again.

Y/N: "Well yeah, I won't leave you here, and having you hop all the way also won't do."

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now