Don't Be Afraid Of Love! - (Kali X Heartbroken Male Reader)

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Kali Fanart By: Eunnieverse On Reddit

Requested By: Just__Forgotten

Published On: September 12, 2020


I was doing my usual evening walk when I heard some crying, after walking towards the source of it I found a man with H/L H/C hair and shining E/C eyes who was crying his heart out down on the ground.

Kali: "Sir? is everything okay? are you hurt?" I asked thinking he was injured.

???: " girlfriend cheated on me and kicked me out, now I have nowhere to go as I moved here to live with her." He explained as he cried.

Kali: "What's your name?"

???: "Y/N"

Kali: "How about you live with me Y/N? I have plenty of space at my place."

Y/N: "I-I couldn't do that, I don't want to be a burden."

Kali: "Nonsense you wouldn't be a burden, you're only going to get sick out here on these cold streets." I replied as I helped him up.

Y/N: "A-Alright" He stuttered out as he rubbed his tears away.

On the way home Y/N told me about how he originally came from Vacuo and was a mechanic when he met his Ex and then moved here to live with her only for him to get cheated on and then kicked onto the streets, I told him about how I was a writer and even about Blake. I was so focused on our conversation that I didn't notice how quickly we arrived at my house.

I showed Y/N the guest room and the bathroom and told him to not be afraid to wake me if he needed something or if something was wrong, afterward we both went to bed.


I was pulled out of my sleep by the smell of breakfast, I quickly got out of my bed and went downstairs to investigate. I found Y/N putting some silverware on the dinner table, when he noticed me he grew a big smile.

Y/N: "Good morning!"

Kali: "W-What's all this?"

Y/N: "Well I wanted to thank you for letting me live here and so I decided to make some breakfast for you, I made spaghetti bolognese" He said as he fixed me a plate and put it on the table.

Kali: "W-Wow...thank you" I said as I sat down.

Y/N: "I hope you like it, I didn't make it strictly like in the cookbooks but how my family made it." He said as he sat down with his plate opposite of me.

Kali: "It's really good!, really really amazing" I said after tasting it before quickly continuing to eat it.

Y/N: "Thanks!"

We continued eating and talking about a few topics here and there, once we were done I noticed I needed to go shopping again as I was starting to run out of some ingredients.

Kali: "I'll have to go shopping again..." I said as I started writing a shopping list.

Y/N: "Mind if I tag along?" He asked.

Kali: "Not at all."

We ended up spending much more time shopping then we originally intended, Y/N was able to turn what was usually a mundane task into a lot of fun not to mention easier as well as he carried everything for me. We also ended up shopping for some clothes for Y/N as he didn't have anything else, I found myself staring at his body a couple of times...


I didn't regret letting Y/N live with me for a single day, He is always super nice and helps around the house. Over these months I have fallen for him and I can tell he feels the same though he is trying to hide it, he is afraid of falling in love again after his heartbreak. I flirted with him and teased him a couple of times, some advances here and there, but he wouldn't budge so I decided to directly confess tonight.

Kali: "Hey Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes?" He answers as he comes into the living room.

Kali: "Do you want to check out the Heiwa Festival with me today?" I asked.

Y/N: "Heiwa Festival? never heard of it, what's it about?" He asked looking interested.

Kali: "It's a festival Mistral holds every 10 years to celebrate peace" I answered.

Y/N: "I would love to join you, it sounds interesting,"

Kali: "Great! let's head out then!" I said excitedly.

The festival was massive and there were lots of activities, it was like a carnival only bigger and more varied. We played many games and watched the parade pass through, I hadn't had this much fun in...ever actually. I had especially much fun when Y/N taught me how to play some of the arcade games they had set up, we played a couple of rounds trying to see who could get the most kills...unsurprisingly it was Y/N. We could have been there forever but we decided to go back home as the sun started to set, however, I decided to go to my favorite cliffside spot first...

Kali: "Isn't this beautiful?" I asked while staring out at the sea and the setting sun.

Y/N: "It sure is..." He replied taken away by the sight.

I decided to stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point.

Kali: "Y/N I know you have feelings for me" I said as I turned around and looked directly at him.

Y/N: "How? wha-"

Kali: "You weren't very good at hiding it, but neither was I" I answered as I put my hands on his chest.

He looked surprised and speechless.

Kali: "I know that you must be scared to fall in love again after what happened, but please give me a chance! I really do love you and it hurts me to see you so scared of opening your heart."

Y/N started to cry lightly, I was starting to think that I might have been too direct but all my concerns were washed away when he tightly embraced and kissed me.

When we separated he put his head on mine and started stroking my back.

Y/N: "Thanks for...everything, I love you."

Kali: "I love you too"


After that night we got together and after only a month of dating I proposed to him and he accepted, now we are on our honeymoon in Vale relaxing on the beach.

Kali: "I could use help putting the sun cream on my back~" I teased when Y/N got done setting up the umbrella.

Y/N: "Is that your way of asking for a massage?" He asked grinning.

Kali: "Maaaaybe?~" I responded as he hugged me.

Y/N: "Or maybe you want something a bit more thorough~" He whispered into my ear making me blush.

Without any words, I just took his hands and went towards the bathroom.

Y/N: "Knew it..." He said with a goofy grin.

I'll never be able to resist his L/N charms...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting Just__Forgotten

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