Regrets, Grimm, And Pain - (RWBY X Male Reader)

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Ruby Fanart By: illusoryquixot On Twitter

Requested By: Gnawsome1

Published On: April 7, 2021


There are three things needed in every relationship, trust, communication, and understanding. Trust to believe in your partner, their loyalty, their risks, without it, you won't have a connection. Communication to know what they want, what they feel, and what they need. But communication is nothing if neither aren't able to understand why you do the things you do, why you are going down the path you stand on.

Unfortunately, there's a couple where these qualities have deteriorated, leading them to false conclusions and regrets...


Never would I have thought that when I went to Beacon I would get into a relationship, especially not a poly relationship where my teammates and half-sister would also date my man. Y/N didn't have a team but he didn't let that stop him, he was less of a solo fighter and more of a supporter, as a result, he would often join other teams on missions and assist them, something that along with his friendly attitude made him be liked by everyone he has worked with.

For the past month our boyfriend has been acting weird, at first we just shrugged it off since we were also heavily occupied by a series of hard tests, now however we had enough. He would constantly text someone, and be oftentimes gone for almost an entire day. At first, we didn't want to consider it, but at this point, it was clear that he was cheating on us.

Now we were waiting for Y/N to come to the dorm, we were going to break up with him. We all just stood around, staring at the door. Finally, Y/N steps in, his cheerful demeanor drops when he sees our expressions.

Y/N: "What's going on?"

Ruby: "We-"

Weiss: "What's going on? WHAT'S GOING ON!?!! WE KNOW YOU'RE CHEATING ON US MOTHERFUCKER!!!" She screams at him as she cuts me off.

Blake: "We know you're cheating on us, don't even try to hide it." She said arms crossed.

Y/N: "Wha-"

Yang: "We're breaking up with you."

Y/N looks at all of us with wide eyes, with a hurt expression he runs off. Weiss just growls and slams the door closed after him, the others try to occupy themself as they are still fuming, I walk out of the dorm to go on a walk, hopefully, that'll make me feel better.


I bust into my dorm, at first, I just stood there in disbelief trying to understand what just happened, trying to believe that what just happened wasn't real...

I look at my scroll, at the chat between me and my step-sister. Tears stream down my face as my hands shake, I clutch the scroll tightly before throwing it against the wall as it slides onto the ground. I take some things and my weapon before rushing out, I didn't want to stay here.

I couldn't even see where I was going from all the crying, as I turn around a corner I bump into someone. It was my longtime friend Pyrrha, when she saw I was crying she looked at me concerned.

Pyrrha: "Y/N what happened!?" She asked as she held my arm.

Y/N: " doesn't matter..." I stutter out.

I get out of her grip and run away, she calls my name but I don't stop, I can't be around here anymore. As I run through the courtyard I could feel people's judgmental stares, I don't know where to go so I just head into the Emerald Forest. Despite the fact that I had my weapon on me, I knew deep down that I wouldn't be able to fight any Grimm in my current emotional state.

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