Chaotic Honeymoon - (Summer & Kali X Male Reader X Raven & Willow)

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Summer/Kali/Raven/Willow Fanart By: Mojojoj On Reddit

Requested By: CristianCervantes632

Published On: September 3, 2020


I met my now four wives back when I had a car crash in Mistral and they helped me out, after that they visited me in the hospital and we got to know each other from there. After only a year and a half of dating, we married, with the girls being the ones who proposed. Generally, everything was going great and we lived happily together, though sometimes an annoying girl called Cinder would oftentimes try and seduce me...but I would just blow her off. Now we are on our honeymoon and we decided to go to my second home which is right at a beach in Vale.

When I woke up I saw that all my wives had left and there was a sticky note on the dresser.

Note: "We went out for some morning relaxation at the beach, hope you slept well darling - S/K/R/W"

I decided to surprise them with breakfast when they come back so I started making some pancakes, surprisingly the doorbell went off...even though nobody knows I'm here as I'm only here for vacation usually.

When I opened the door I saw...Cinder, most likely here to try and seduce me again.

Cinder: "Good morning Y/N~" She said as she held down the top of her dress, exposing her breasts.

Cinder: "Why don't you let me in and I can show you...a good time~" She said as she stepped closer and put her hand on my chest.

Y/N: "Behind you..." I simply responded, not caring about her stupid games.

When Cinder looked behind her she saw none other than my four wives looking VERY pissed off, Summer and Raven quickly grabbed her by her arms and dragged her away while Willow took my cane and Kali just gave me her sun lotion before joining Raven and Summer.

Willow: "We'll be back in a second hon!" She said and kissed me on the cheek.

Y/N: "Alright, breakfast will be done soon" I said before stepping back inside and returning to the kitchen.

After I finished making the pancakes while listening to distant screams of despair and agony, my four wives came back inside.

Y/N: "Breakfast is ready" I said.

Willow: "Y/N?..." She said while not looking at me.

Y/N: "Yes darling?" I answered while serving everyone their pancakes.

Willow: "I accidentally broke your cane..." She said ashamed.

Y/N: "Oh don't worry darling I have a backup just in case, besides it was an accident." I replied as I pecked her on the nose.


After eating breakfast we decided to go to the arcade close by, we had a great time, even if we sometimes broke the games... right now we were standing at the prize corner and I was about to turn my tickets in for some prizes when the guy refused because we broke some games.

Employee: "I'm not letting you turn in any tickets, not after all the carnage you caused" He said with crossed arms.

Summer: "I'm sorry, would you mind repeating that?" She said with a cold soulless smile.

Employee: "I-I mean you can have a-as many prizes as you want" He responded scared.

Y/N: "Awesome!" I said as I picked out a couple of their retro video games.

When we were leaving a guy suddenly grabbed Raven's arm

Guy: "Hey cutie, wanna go on a date?" He asked, but Raven said nothing and just broke his arm.

While the guy was screaming his head off we just left for the beach again.



We were just laying on the beach enjoying the sun, Y/N had fallen asleep with his head in between my breasts. While we were trying to relax a lot of assholes tried flirting with us, we tried our best to get them to leave without waking Y/N up.

Random Girl: "Looking good sexy!" She said while slapping Raven's ass

Raven: "I'M MARRIED, AND DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME YOU WHORE!!" She whispered as aggressively as possible, trying to not wake Y/N up.

Kali: "You know despite a few hiccups here and there, I would call this a successful first honeymoon day." She said, laying beside me.

Summer: "Yeah, soon the people here will learn to not fuck with us and our Y/N" I replied as we watched Raven break that girl's hand while holding her mouth shut to not wake Y/N.

Willow: "Yeah this place is too nice to let it be ruined by these playboys and whores." She said while putting her head down onto Y/N's stomach.

Raven: "Don't forget about me!" She said as she also cuddled up to Y/N.

Despite the rocky start...this honeymoon is gonna be amazing...


Emerald: "Man...they sure shoved that cane up far, we have been at this for an hour and I'm still finding new wood splinters." She said while removing the remains of a cane out of Cinder's ass.

Cinder: "sighs Just please don't tell anyone about this..." She replied while hiding her face in her hands, more embarrassed than ever.

Emerald: "Only if you help me get a date with Neo"

Cinder "Deal..."

AN: Hope you enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting CristianCervantes632

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