Loved By Two Hearts - (Nora X Male Reader X Neo)

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Neo Fanart By: Sunnypopp On DeviantArt

Requested By: HopeTheAssassin

Published On: January 28, 2021


Everything fucking sucks...

Or at least that's what it feels like, today hasn't been great. I almost lost my job due to some bitch lying to my boss that her mistake was mine, if it wasn't for my coworkers fighting for me I would have been fired. Though it ended well, I still feel emotionally drained...

I was walking home after going to the store, I had to take a different street than usual as there was construction work going on. As I was walking I look over, my mind freezes as I stand there in awe at the amazing sight in front of me.

Standing there in a garage across the street was the most handsome and cutest man I have ever seen, not to mention the R32 he was working on.

Nora: "Hot man and great car, it's like the perfect porno for me!" I said excitedly

I cross the street quickly, as I stand at the entrance I'm about to knock on the wall to alert him of my presence when I get too distracted watching him work, god is he fucking hot!

???: "Uhh hello?" I hear a voice as something waves in front of my face.

I had gotten so into it that I hadn't even noticed that he was standing in front of me, embarrassed I introduce myself.

Nora: "Hey I'm Nora, I was passing when I saw you working on this R32 and got curious."

???: "You sure know your cars, well I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you" He responds as we shake hands.

Nora: "And you have good taste in cars."

Y/N: "This isn't my car actually, I'm just detailing it."

Nora: "Well it does look amazing, I wish my car looks like that" I said fawning over the paint.

Y/N: "I could give your car a makeover as well, inside and out" He offered.

Nora: "I would love that, but unfortunately I don't have much money, not to mention that my car isn't in great shape" I explain with a frown.

Y/N: "Say why don't you bring your car over on Friday and we'll see what I can do, on Friday I don't have any customer reservations"

Nora: "O-Okay" I stuttered, flustered by his kindness.

We talked through the rest of the day as he continued to give the Golf a makeover, he really enjoyed my company as he usually didn't have anyone around. I never met a person as kind and funny as him, as I left late in the night from his shop I was on cloud nice non-stop thinking and swooning over him.



Over the last few days, Nora and Y/N have become absolute best friends, both of them were always able to forget all of their worries when they were around each other. Y/N hadn't had friends for a long time as all his previous friends just forgot about him after they never really made any attempts to contact him anymore, with Nora Y/N was happier than ever.

However, Nora wasn't the only woman whose heart had been stolen by the H/C-haired auto detailer. Neo, a mute woman with her very own printing and design studio within the city had laid eyes on Y/N, so to be able to spend some time she paid Y/N to detail her car.

It wasn't long before the two of them got to know each other, Y/N didn't mind the slightly unusual way of communication due to Neo's condition, he actually found her silent ways kind of endearing.

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