Is it Too Late? - (Pyrrha X Male Reader X Yang)

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Yang Fanart By: aweirdlatina On Reddit

Requested By: MagicGalatica

Sequel To: Dream Come True - (Rejecting Yang X Rejected Dragon Faunus Male Reader X Pyrrha)

Published On: September 29, 2020


It's been 3 years now...and I deeply regret rejecting Y/N back at Beacon, I didn't realize my feelings at the time...but after he stopped hanging out with me I realized that I DID love him but didn't handle my feelings properly. He has been married to Pyrrha for 2 years now and I just haven't been able to get over it, they didn't invite me to the wedding either, even if they had a good reason for it.

I haven't seen them since they graduated and moved into a house of their own after the wedding, I have been trying to find them but neither my sister nor teammates would tell me where they are even though they sometimes go to meet them.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I walked into a man who just came outside causing him to drop his cake.

???: "Still destroying cakes I see..." Said a voice agitated.

I know that voice! my suspicion was confirmed when I looked up and it was Y/N!

Yang: "Y/N!!" I cried out as I latched onto his arm.

Y/N: "You ruined my anniversary cake..." He said in a cold voice as he shrugged me off his arms and walked back into the supermarket.

Yang: "H-Hey wait! I didn't mean to run into you, I'm sorry" I said as I quickly followed him into the market.

Y/N: "sighs What do you want Yang?" He asked annoyed as he didn't even look at me and walked into the bakery section and ordered another cake with the same special anniversary message.

Yang: "I-I...I regret rejecting you and I want to make it up, I want to enter a relationship with you!" I said as I took his hand and held it tightly.

Y/N: "I'm married..." He said looking unamused.

Yang: "I know but I'll be willing to be in a relationship with you alongside her!" I said hopefully.

Y/N: "I don't think Pyrrha would agree, why would I want to get together with you anyways? you stomped on my hearts and only NOW when I'm happily married do you suddenly pop up to get back with me?" He said looking increasingly more suspicious.

Yang: "I tried to get back together with you! really! but I didn't know where you and Pyrrha moved to after the wedding and I didn't want to interrupt the wedding, I couldn't possibly take such a special day from both of you." I answered as he took the cake and started walking out again.

Y/N: "Well thank you for not ruining the wedding I guess" He said as he continued walking.

Yang: "Please give me chance! I'll be willing to do whatever you and Pyrrha want! just please at least give me a chance to prove myself to you"

I tried convincing him for the next few minutes until he arrived at a relatively large house.

Y/N: "sighs Yang...I would like to walk through that door now and simply celebrate my wedding anniversary with my wife, so please just drop it" He said as he was about to open the door when it was suddenly opened from the other side.

Pyrrha: "Hey darling! welcome ho-what's she doing here?" She asked as her smile faded the moment that she saw me.

Yang: "H-Hey Pyrrha..." I said as I awkwardly waved.

Y/N: "She followed me here after running into me when I went to get the cake for our anniversary." He explained as he held the cake box up.

Pyrrha: "I see...well let's talk about this inside."

I awkwardly followed them inside as I saw all kinds of photos on the walls and on cabinets, all of the happy memories Y/N has made with Pyrrha and his friends...happy memories that I could have made with him...

Pyrrha: "Yang?" I heard as I was snapped out my thoughts.

Yang: "Oh sorry...I was just spacing out there, where is Y/N?" I asked as I noticed it was only Pyrrha in the kitchen.

Pyrrha: "He went upstairs to freshen up, he'll be back in a few minutes."

Yang: "Oh okay..."

Pyrrha: "Now what I want to know is why you are here and on our anniversary of all days and why you would want to get together with Y/N, I thought you found him annoying considering what you said to him back then." She said with a steely gaze.

Yang: "And I regret saying that! I do love Y/N but I just didn't handle my feelings properly and lashed out at him like an idiot." I said as I was about to cry.

Pyrrha: "If that's the truth then why didn't you try sooner?" She asked looking still not convinced.

Yang: "I tried...I-I tried but Ruby and the others wouldn't tell me where you guys moved to and all my searches ended up nowhere, I simply walked into Y/N by blind chance today." I explained as I sat down crying, looking utterly defeated.

Pyrrha: "Ruby did tell me you were asking about us..." She muttered as she walked into the kitchen looking away.

There was tense silence for a few minutes.

Pyrrha: "I can see it in your eyes, you do really regret it...and against my better judgment I'm going to trust you...and give you a chance." She said as she finally looked at me again.

Yang: "Oh thank you so much!" I cried out as I got up and hugged her tightly still crying.

Pyrrha: "Don't thank me just still have to prove yourself to Y/N and hope that he still has some love left for you in his heart"

Yang: "I'll do my absolute best, I won't hurt him again I promise."

I'm going to do everything in my power to get his heart back...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Thanks for requesting MagicGalatica

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