I Might Never Know Pt 2 (E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

It's beens 2 months since i found out that Y/N is MIA. I've stayed at her apartment since I found Robbie cheating on me. I've been throwing myself into work to try and get my mind off the shit show that is my life currently. I went to visit her dad every week to see if they'd heard anything new and it's always the same. Nothing. And it's driving me crazy. I just dont know what I'm supposed to do. It's hard when I'm living my life trying to be strong. It helps when I have Scarlett and the rest of the Marvel crew by my side through but I can't help but think who has she got. Is she dead and no one knows about it yet? All these thoughts just seem to constantly drown me. I just need her home.
As I'm on set getting hooked up to do my scene, I've got my phone near Scarlett incase Y/Ns dad calls me with any news. But I suppose no news is good right? Nope it's worse. At least.if I knew she were dead it would be easier than what I'm feeling now. My mind would be at peace in a sense. As I'm just about to start with my scene my phone starts ringing and Scarlett answers it. As soon as she looks up at me I shout for the crew to get me down to the ground so I can see who is calling. As soon as I'm on the ground I run over to Scarlett and take my phone off her and see that it's my mum calling

Me: hey, is everything OK?

Mum: Hi yeah everything is fine. I was just ringing to let you know that they have found Y/N and her unit.

Me: is she OK? When is she coming home?

Mum: well I'm not sure when she's coming baby girl. She's in pretty bad shape by what her dad was telling me.

Me: please just tell me how she is and when I can see her

Mum: she was tortured, and she has suffered alot of blood loss when they found her, some more of the guys in her unit where found dead. Only about 4 of them made it out alive.

At this point I was crying, and I didn't care that everyone could see me.

Me: where is she and when can I see her?

Mum: she's at the base infirmary. I'll ask her dad when it's OK for you to go to her ok?

Me: ok mum. Thank you for letting me know. I love you

Mum: I love you too baby.

After we had finished on the call I ran to the bathroom on set to get away from everyone's eyes on me. Scarlett followed me in. As soon as she got to me she hugged me tight just while.i cried. My best friend was home but badly hurt at the same time. I'm just not sure if she will be the same bubbly self after this. We were both sat in silence until Scarlett spoke up.
"You love her don't you?" She asked and I just looked up at her.
"Of course I do. She's my best friend" I said as I was still trying to even out my breathing.
"No that's not what I meant. You're in love with her" she said with a small smile on her face.
"How did you know? You know what I don't wanna know. But yeah I am. I have been since we were both in school and I just dont know if she felt the same. So I never told her how I felt because I didn't want to lose her." I told her as I wiped my tear stained cheeks.
"Well why don't you tell her how you feel. You never know what will happen if you don't and you will regret it." She told me as we both stood up from the floor.
"Your right. I'll tell her, but I'm scared." I told her as I walked over to the sink to rinse my face.
"Well love is scary. That's how you know your in love. It can be the most terrifying and amazing feeling at the same time." She said as she looked at my face through the mirror. As we were having our heart to heart my mum had sent me a text saying I can go and see her and the address. As soon as we were out of the bathroom, I ran to get changed out of my costume and into my regular clothes while Scarlett explained to everyone what was happening. I ran to my car to get it started and drove fast to get to the base. As soon as I parked up I ran up towards th infirmary and saw my mum standing outside the door with a small smile on her face. She gave me a big hug before letting me go.
"Her dad's in there with her if you want to go in?" She said and I just nodded my head not knowing what to expect behind the door. My mum soon enough opened to door and I was met with the sight of her asleep while her dad was sat in the chair reading a book. As soon as he saw me and my mum he jumped up and gave us both a hug. I just couldn't tear my eyes away from Y/Ns body. She looked so fragile and broken and silent tears started to stream from my eyes.
"Well we will leave you to have a bit of alone time with her lizzie. Your mum and I will go and get some coffee if you would like one?" He asked with a smile. I know he was just as broken up about this as I was. She was his baby girl, his world and her she is broken. And all we can do is wait.
"Yeah I would love one thank you. Has she woken up yet?" I asked scared of the answer I was going to receive. He just squeezed my shoulder and walked away. I took the chair next to the bed and grabbed her hand in mine. It wasn't as warm as it usually would be, I lifted it up to my face and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
"Hey Y/N, you got us all worried about you. We need you to wake up, your dad needs you. I need you. I need to see that smile of yours again and hear your voice again. Please just come back to us. Back to me please. I love you" I said as I started to cry into her hand. I looked at her face hoping that she would just open her eyes but she didn't. So I just lay my head down on the bed while I still had her hand in my grasp. Her dad and my mum came in the room with the coffees. We were sat talking about all of our memories together from when she moved to live with her dad up until before she left to go on tour 10 months ago. The time flew by and we all went our seperate ways.
It has been a few days since she has been at the base infirmary. She still hasn't woken up, and were still not sure when she will. Its breaking my heart seeing her like this. I just want to hold her and hear her voice telling me that everything is going to be OK. As soon as I made to her door I heard voices coming from inside the room. As I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes, she was awake and talking with her dad. As soon as her attention was brought to me standing in the door way, a huge smile broke out on her face. I just ran at her and gave her a hug as tears were spilling from my eyes. I just couldn't believe it.
"You're awake. I've missed you so much" I told her as I smiled into her neck.
"I missed you too. Hopefully I'll be able to go home soon and get out of this bed. But I might need you loosen your grip on me I can go home." She said with a chuckle. Her dad left the room to give us both some time on our own.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here for you When you needed me." She said with a sad look.
"It's OK, it's not your fault any of this happened. I'm just happy you're home." I said as I smile brightly at her. I just couldn't believe that she was alive after not knowing anything for 3 months.

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