Missing Piece Part 2 (E.O)

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Because all of you guys wanted it so much

Reader GiP

Y/N pov

Its been a few weeks since I started to talk to her. It's been nice talking to Lizzie again, there's just one thing I don't know how to tell her. After going for a run I walked through my door to see my fiancé, funny enough shes a little older than me. But i couldn't be with anyone better.

"Hey Y/N/N. How was your run?" She asked as she handed me a bottle of water.

"It was nice. I'm just nervous about some things." I told her honestly. I walked into the living room to find our little boy Jacob in his playpen. He was playing with his toys. Well more like eating them.

"Like what?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around me as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I haven't really told her about you guys. I want to but every time I chicken out." I said as I looked down at her.

"I uh, I'm sure you will find the right words to say to her." She said as she beamed up at me. I pressed a kiss to her lips before I went and showered. I was thinking everything over, being the typical overthinker I am. I just couldn't help it. I was going back on tour in two months and I have yet to tell lizzie that there isn't really a chance for us. Oh god my life is so messed up right now.

Once I was downstairs I saw my fiancé sat feeding Jacob his dinner. I was ready for my dinner with Mama J.

"I'm gonna head out OK?" I told her as I kissed hers and Jacobs heads.

"Where are you going again?" She asked with a furrowed brow

"Just to Mama Js for dinner. She wanted to see me before I leave to go on tour." I told her softly while she just hummed. This isn't going to be good when i come home. "I'll see you later. I love you." I said as I went to kiss her but she turned away and I caught her cheek. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked out to my bike. Yes I still have it after all these years. Once I pulled up and knocked she pulled me in for a warm hug before she let me in. I saw Lizzie in the living room before I followed Mama J into the kitchen.

"So how's Jacob and Claire?" She asked me softly as she made me some coffee.

"They're both really good. I'm just really gonna miss them when I leave." I told her as she handed me a cup.

"Does she know?" She whispered as she nodded towards the living room.

"No, I haven't really told her yet. I want to but I just keep chickening out." I whispered back.

"You need to tell her before it hurts her more." She said with a sad smile. I know I have to tell her sooner or later.

"Need to tell who what?" We both froze as we heard her.

"Well that's your cue." Mama J said as she left patting my shoulder.

"Well thanks alot for throwing me under the bus." I shouted back at her.

"You're welcome." She shouted back with a laugh.

"Well what?" Lizzie asked as she sat down at the island. I just looked at her unable to talk. "Were friends Y/N. You can tell me anything?"

"I uh I don't know how to say this but imengaged." I said rather fast at the end.

"What was that?" She said quietly.

"I'm engaged." I said as I looked away from the clear hurt in her eyes.

"Yeah I uh I got that. I just needed to hear it properly." She said quietly. "How long?"

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