Hard Love(W.M)

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Y/N pov

I woke up this morning to the sound of my dad shouting.

"Y/N GET YOUR ASS UP AND GET TO FUCKING SCHOOL!!" I heard him shout as he banged on my door.

"IM UP" I shouted back as I sat up in my bed.

"DONT YOU DARE FUCKING ANSWER ME BACK YOU TWAT." He yelled as he came storming in my room dragging off my bed by my feet making me bang my head on the floor. "NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE."

I sat there rubbing the back of my head as he slammed my door shut. I quickly got up and got showered and got dressed ready for school. I decided to wear a grey t shirt with blue jeans and my black biker jacket. I honestly couldn't wait to leave this house and get him out of my life. My mum died when I was 10 after getting in a car accident when she was coming to pick me up from basketball practice so I had to come and live with him. As soon as I was born and he found out that I was intersex he left both my mum and me. My mum was the sweetest woman to ever walk this earth. If she knew about the beatings I get off him she would kill him if she was alive. Luckily enough for me she left me a lot of money that she had saved up over the years after I was born. Even though she worked two jobs she still always found time for me. But he still made me help him with his deals and other shit since he says I need to pay my way.

After I had made sure I had everything I needed for school. I walked downstairs and grabbed an apple and my car keys.

"Hey twat. Don't forget to sell this by the end of the day. I need to give the boss the money tomorrow night before the next drop and you're coming with." He said as he passed me the small bags of drugs. He had me sell cocaine and weed at school. I know that if I had gotten caught I would get expelled and put in juvie.

"Ok dad." I said as I made my way outside to my car. Once I got in my car I put the drugs in the glove compartment before starting my journey to school.

After I had parked up, the usual stoners came up for there hit before we all made our way to our lockers. I usually manage to sell it all before the start of school but I still had 10g left. And I had always sold to the same people everyday. So now I know that bastard gave me more than I usually sell. Which means I'm gonna have to try and sell it after school. Which is gonna be hard and if the boss doesn't get his money, it always ends badly.

As I got to my locker I saw the basketball team walk down the halls with the cheerleaders. Just as I was closing my locker I saw Tony Stark walk up to me with Steve Rogers and bucky Barnes at his heels.

"Hey Y/N, I'm having a party tonight and I was wondering if we can get a score?" He said which made me smile knowing that I would be able to get the money for the boss tonight.

"I've only got 10g left. So that would be $200." I told him as I leant on my locker.

"Yeah I can do that. Come by at 7pm and I'll give you the money." He said as he gave me a piece of paper with his address on it.

"I'll be there." I said with a smirk as he smiled at me before walking off. I watched as the rest of the team and the cheerleaders walked behind them. But one caught my eye, well she's always caught my eye since she transferred to this school with her twin in our sophomore year. We've only spoken a few times but even those few times I noticed that she has the softest voice, and her smile is out of this world.

I quickly shook myself out of my trance and got to my first lesson of the day which was math. I was doing really well in school considering my life outside of school. I used to play pee wee basketball with most of the guys on the team but since my mum died I stopped. I just didn't have it in to have fun. About halfway through the lesson my phone buzzed with a message.

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