Doubts (E.O)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers and DestinySasser
Smut warning ⚠️
Dom Lizzie GiP x Sub reader

Y/N pov

It's been half a year since Lizzie and I have been married and lately she's never home. She's gone before I wake up and she comes home when I've gone to bed. We never spend time together and it has me thinking that she is cheating on me or she's fell out of love. We don't have days off together anymore. When she does come home she just faces the other way and doesn't bother to cuddle or show any affection anymore. So I decided I'm going to just ask her so I'm sat up waiting for her to come home. I heard the keys jingle in the front door as I sipped my coffee.

"Hey baby, you're awake." She said surprised.

"We need to talk." I said calmly as I looked at her.

"What about?" She asked as she sat down in a chair.

"Are you cheating on me?" I just got straight to the point. I watched as her face dropped

"No I would never do that to you. Why would you even think that?" She said with a slight raised voice as she stood up.

"Because you're always gone before I wake up, you come home when I've already gone to sleep. You don't even cuddle me anymore. It's either you're cheating or you just don't love me anymore. SO WHAT IS IT." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Neither. I would never cheat on you ever. I am working harder in this project because I want it to be done quicker so I can spend a lot of time with you and start our family just like we've always wanted." She said softly as she walked closer to me.

"How do I know you're telling me the truth. We never really talk anymore." I said as she held my arms rubbing them up and down softly making me melt at her touch.

"Then let me show you how much I'm in love with you." She said softly before she gave me a soft passionate kiss. We both poured so much emotion into showing how much we mean to eachother. "You are everything and more to me. I would rather be alone if I wasn't with you." She told me when we both pulled apart. I smashed my lips back on hers as I wrapped my arms around her neck while her hands gripped my waist pulling me impossibly closer to her. She tapped my thigh signaling for me to jump which I did. She walked us both to our room without breaking the kiss. She started to slowly take my clothes off as I did hers. We were both in our underwear when she lowered me gently on the bed. "You're so beautiful." She said softly. She kissed me passionately and licked my bottom lip for entrance which I granted. I moaned as her tongue explored my mouth. I felt goosebumps on the skin that she had caressed gently with her hands. She moved her kisses to my neck finding my sweet spot straight away making me arch my back. I sat forward to unclip my bra and take it off while she did the same. I gasped as her hardened bulge rubbed against my clothed clit needing more friction. I moaned loudly as she sucked and kissed my breasts. I tugged on the waistband of her boxers for her to take them off. As she stood up removing them I scrambled to remover my underwear knowing that I am definitely ready for her. She kissed me passionately once more before she slowly inserted herself into me. She started to thrust slowly as we both basked in the feeling of eachother. This time wasn't rough or quick like usual. We were taking our time enjoying the feel of each other, feeling the love we have for eachother.

"Please daddy." I moaned out making her groan as she thrusted.

"Call me that again." She said against my lips.

"Daddy" I breathed out making her go faster. I moaned loudly as I scratched down her back making her groan. I could feel myself getting closer to my orgasm. "I'm gonna cum daddy." I moaned as she thrusted faster and harder hitting all the right spots.

"Hold it." She said as she chased her own orgasm. "I'm almost there." She said as she kept her thrusts going. " cum with me princess." She said as she filled me up as I came down her cock. We both eventually calmed down. "I love you so much princess. You are my forever and I meant every word of my vows on our wedding day." She said before she kissed me softly 

"I love you so much more." I said in the space between us. We both had a nice PG shower together she washed my hair and body taking extra care before we both fell asleep in eachothers arms.

It's been a few weeks since our talk and she has been trying really hard to fit time in for our relationship. To spend more time together, eat together. She comes home now just an hour after me when I've got dinner ready on the table. She washes the dishes while she I relax in a bath she ran for me. But lately I've been feeling weird, it's really hard to explain how I've been feeling. I looked at the calendar and noticed that I was late. My last period was the beginning of October and it's near the end of November. How the fuck did I not realise this. I was stood in the kitchen looking at nothing when Lizzie came downstairs.

"Are you OK baby?" She asked me softly.

"I'm late." I said bluntly.

"I thought we both had the day off together?" She said with furrowed brows.

"No, I late." I said as I raised my eyebrows at her. I just stood and waited for her mind to catch up. I stood there and sipped on my juice while her mind was working over time to think what I was saying.

"Oh my god. Really?" She said finally.

"Hey you caught up with me." I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I don't have a fanny like you. How else do you think I fuck you." She said with a frown on her face

"Well there's your fingers and your tongue but that's besides the point. We're getting off track here." I said waving my hands around like a mad woman as she watched with an amused smile.

"Well I'll go and get you a test ok." She said as she gave me a gentle kiss and grabbed her keys and left. She didn't bother to change our of her sleep clothes which is funny considering she's wearing hello kitty bottoms.

"So the pajama brigade returns, how was the meeting." I said with a smirk as she came back in the kitchen.

"Oh it was great, we talked about our bitchy other half's." She said as she handed me the bag. I went to the bathroom to piss on a stick. Lizzie set the timer and we both sat and waited in silence. I was nervous about the result. We've both always said that we want a family of our own. It didn't take too long for the timer to go off.

"I can't do it." I said as I shook the nerves from my hands.

"It's OK, I'll look baby." She said as she pressed a soft kiss to my head as she stood and picked up the test. I watched as a wide smile plastered itself on her face. "We're having a baby." She said excitedly with tears of joy in her eyes.

"We're having a baby." I repeated as I stood up as she walked over to me.

"WE'RE HAVING A BABY." She shouted as she picked me up and spun me around with the pregnancy test still in her hand.

"I'm just as excited as you are but can you please get my own pissy stick away from my face." I said with a wide smile. We were starting the next chapter of our lives and we couldn't be happier.

I hope you guys enjoy it

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