Wedding Crashers (E.O)

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Requested by elxlizzie

Y/N pov

Lizzie and I have been best friends since we were children. We were in seperable. When we turned 17 we both started to crash events and weddings. We'd hang around hotels and sit near the back on either side of the aisle until it was our time to shine. We would wait everytime for the minister to say
"Does anyone have any objection as to why these two shouldn't be join in holy matrimony."

"I OBJECT." Lizzie would shout standing up.

"I OBJECT THAT YOU OBJECT." I shout after her. We watched as everyone's faces turned angry as i quickly grabbed her hand and we both ran out as fast as we could with the security on our heels. When we got around a corner away from them we both stopped to catch our breath.

"God that never gets old." I laughed out as she was still struggling to breathe.

"How are you not dying right now." She asked me still out of breath.

"I just have great stamina." I said as I wriggled my eyebrows making her laugh and hit my arm.

"Oh really, you'd have to show me how good." She whispered in my ear. We've both always had a flirty friendship but I was in love with my best friend. We were both eachothers first kiss because we were too nervous to do it with anyone else. Even with her god damn braces.

"Do you wanna get some food? I'm kinda starved." I asked her with a smile.

"Yeah I could eat." She said with a nod.

"Well come on my lady." I said in a fake British accent holding my arm out for her to take. We both ended up in a diner not too far from my parents apartment building. We both laughed as we ate our food. I honestly was in love with that laugh but I know she will never feel the same way about me but as long as I still have her as a friend I know I will be happy.

As we left school and college, Lizzie went on to be an actress and moved back to LA while I became an FBI agent and stayed in New York. We did still talk on the phone and text quite often. We hung out whenever we were in the same state. I loved my job so much, I just loved helping people and solving crimes, making the city safer. I met my fiancé Quinn James during my time at the FBI, I had finally started to get over Lizzie. She was happy with her life and I was happy with mine. I was just waiting to tell lizzie that we were engaged and getting married in a few months and I really wanted her to be there.

Lizzie's pov

I was meeting Y/N today for lunch. I haven't seen her I so long with us both always working. I know she's been seeing someone for a few years now and to be honest I'm in love with her. She's just so fun and caring, selfless and she is just beautiful. I've tried to get over her but it has never worked. She's always been on my mind since we parted ways after college. She is my soulmate. My person who is supposed to be by my side no matter what.

I was walking into the restaurant and gave her name and they lead me to their table. When I approached the table Y/N jumped out of her seat and engulfed me in a tight embrace.

"I've missed you." She whispered quietly.

"I've missed you too." I said into her shoulder.

"You remember Quinn." She said as she pulled away from me so I could greet her girlfriend.

"Hi quinn how are you?" I asked her politely as I sat down.

"I'm amazing. What about you, I heard your a big marvel star now." She said with a soft smile. If she wasn't with my person I would probably be friends with her but I hate her. We spent the majority of lunch catching up on things that we've missed and reminiscing on what we used to do when we were younger.

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