(What if) Home Invasion (E.O)

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Requested by buckyslostarm07
This is an alternative ending so get your tissues ready. Just thought I'd warn you guys since the last couple of times we died you all cried so here goes and let me know when I can come out of hiding

Reader GiP

Lizzie's pov

I was laying in bed waiting for my wife. She was reading our children their bedtime story. Alec is 9 and Oliver is 5. We've been together for what seems like forever. We met on the set of Age of Ultron and the rest is history. I looked up from my book as I heard our bedroom door open.

"Are they asleep?" I asked her softly as she climbed in beside me.

"Yeah, they've both had a busy day." She said softly. "We all have." I just giggled as she lay back exhaustion taking over her body.

"So how was it with them being with you at work?" I asked her as I lay down and rested my head on my elbow while my other hand drew patterns on her chest.

"It was tiring, I was trying to teach the actors the fight sequences and they wanted to try it." She said with a smile. "They had so much fun. All 3 of us sweated buckets."

"I'm glad they love spending most of their time with you. I'm just good for cooking their food." I pouted which she laughed.

"No they love just as much as me, it's just that you're the strict one to put all of us in our place when we need it." She said as she gently stroked my cheek. My eyes fluttered closed at the feeling.

"I'm glad you said all if you." I teased her making her smile widely.

"Well, let's get some sleep. We've got work tomorrow." She said as she pressed a soft kiss to my lips. "Goodnight my love."

"Goodnight baby. " I whispered as I snuggled into her. We both fell into a peaceful sleep.

It was around 2am when I had heard I bang from downstairs. So I shook Y/N awake.

"You ok love?" She whispered softly.

"I think there's someone downstairs." I said quietly. My anxiety was starting to set in as we heard another bang.

"Ok, Lizzie you go into the boys room and phone 911. Lock their door ok and when I know it's safe I will knock 6 times ok." She said as she was already sneaking to the door. Before I could answer she was already gone. I grabbed my phone and quietly made my way to the boys room and lock the door. I turned around to see only Oliver in his bed. I quickly dialled 911.

Operator: 911 what's your emergency?

Me: there's someone in my house. Can you please send someone quick.

Operator: how many of you are residents?

Me: there's my wife, myself and our two sons.

Operator: ok i am tracking you're call as we speak and there are patrol cars on route to your location. Just stay inside a room and lock the door.

Before I could answer I heard a gunshot and then another one. I gasped as Oliver shot up awake from the sound.

Operator: was that gunshots?

Me: yeah.

Operator: do you or your wife have a gun on the premises?

Me: no.

Operator: well I will send an EMT to the location 

Y/N pov

Once I had made it downstairs, I quietly walked through to the living room, I saw a man in a ski mask looking through our things.

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