Soulmates (E.O)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers

Y/N pov

I was told when I was younger that you have the same mark as your soulmate. It looks kinda like a birth mark and it itches when you meet your soulmate. I've got one in the shape of a star on my left wrist and I have yet to meet them.

I'm on my way to work at the moment. I've been working as a stunt coordinator for marvel for a few years and were starting to work on the new avengers movie. I've heard that there is a few new cast members and I'm quite excited to meet them but I am also nervous. So after I had walked into start on the stunts that were performing today.

"Hey Y/N, how's it going?" I heard Robert say as he approached me.

"Hey, it's alright I guess. You excited to start this new movie?" I replied.

"Oh yeah definitely. It's going to be a good one. We're all going out for dinner tonight if you want to join?" He asked with a soft smile.

"It's just for the cast getting to know the newbies." I stated as I looked down at the schedule for today

"Well you're practically family so come and join us." He said with a wide smile as he patted my back.

"Sure. I've got nothing better to do anyways." I said as I felt my birth mark start to itch.

"Is it you're birth mark?" He asked with a gentle smile.

"Yeah it's just started." I said as we were both oblivious to everyone else walking in.

"So you know what that means?" He said with a smirk.

"I don't know. I've never been fortunate to be in the same room as them so I doubt that I'll meet them." I said sadly.

"Oh you never know." He said with a smirk as he nudged me and we saw the three newbies walk in. I noticed the one girl out of the three itching her left wrist as they walked over to Kevin.

"You don't think?" I asked him shocked.

"Yeah I do." He said with a smile before walking away to talk to Kevin. I couldn't take my eyes off the girl over there. It can't be can it? When she looked over at me I quickly looked away which caused her to frown as I started doing my work.

When everyone finally finished for lunch i went outside to have a smoke. I didn't realise that someone was coming outside and stood beside me as my mark itched like crazy.

"Hey, I thought I'd introduce myself before dinner tonight. I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie." She said as I finally looked in her. She was the most beautiful woman i had ever seen. She had the most beautiful emerald eyes that you could get lost in like an enchanted forest. Her voice was the most soothing sound in the universe.

"I'm Y/N." I said as I shook her hand. I felt a burning sensation on my birth mark.

"Fuck." We both gasped out at the same time. We both looked at eachother as we both held our left wrist.

"Can I see?" Lizzie asked as she grabbed my wrist. Her eyes widened when she saw my birth mark. "It's you." She gasped out.

"You're my soulmate." I asked softly while she nodded with a gentle smile.

"I've finally met you. I never thought I would be lucky enough to." She whispered as she rested her forehead against mine.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and before we knew it, it was time for the dinner. I quickly ran home and got changed into a grey dress shirt and some dark blue jeans with black vans. I met everyone at the restaurant as they were all already sat down. We all ordered our food and talked to get to know the newbies. It was fun talking to them but I kept stealing glances at Lizzie any chance I got because she looked stunning in that black dress with her hair tied back showing off her perfect feature. My favourite thing about her definitely has to be her eyes because no matter how much her face will age, her eyes will always remain the same. I will die happy if I could stare into them for the rest of my life. When we all had finished and went to our own cars. I decided to walk Lizzie to hers ignoring the smirks off Scarlett and Robert.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked her softly.

"Of course." She replied softly as we reached her car.

"Can I take you out on a date on Friday?" I asked her timidly.

"I would love to." She said with a soft smile.

"Great. I'll see you soon." I said as I opened her door for her as she kissed me on the cheek making me blush like crazy. "Drive safe."

"Text me when you're home." She said as I nodded in reply before watching her drive off. This was definitely going to be that start of something amazing.


Hope you guys enjoy this one. I know it's a short one.

What's your fears?

Mine are escalators, wasps and worms. But also trypophobia. I don't know clusters of holes really make me wanna vomit
I know definitely silly and you're probably pissing yourselves laughing.

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