No Lust Just Love (E.O)

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Smut warning

Lizzies pov

I was in the craft room of our shared house. I had took up pottery because I wanted to make my own vases. So I was sat in front of the wheel lost in my task. I found it soothing after a long day at work. I was enjoying the calmness of the low soft music in the background. I haven't seen my beautiful wife yet today so I think that she is still at the studio working.

As I was lost in my task, I didn't notice her come in. I jumped when I felt her sit behind me and her hands rested softly over mine. I melted into her touch. She started to kiss my neck gently. I tilted my head to the side to give her more room. Once she reached my weak spot I failed to stiffle a moan. I felt her smirk against my skin knowing the affect she has on me. I could already feel my arousal in my underwear as she continued. Her hands moved softly from my hands up my arms and around to my chest as she kneaded my breasts through my shirt and bra. I could feel her unbutton my shirt and felt her soft hands graze over my skin causing goosebumps. I had completely forgotten about what I was doing as she pulled my shirt off my shoulders and down my arms. She pressed soft kiss on my shoulders and back as she unclipped my bra. I turned around and sat on her lap and tugged on the hem of her shirt which she removed quickly before I kissed her passionately. The kiss was slow and sensual as she licked across my lip asking for entrance which I granted. This is the softest she has ever gone with me and I want to see how this goes. With her it's usually rough and exciting but this is sensual, gentle and passionate. There's no lust just love. I unclipped her bra and threw it over with mine. She started to move her kisses down again as I started to rock my hips on hers. I could feel her growing bulge through her jeans. I reached down to unbuckle them. She stood up with my in her arms. I made quick work with my own pants so we were both left in our underwear. She walked us over to the sofa in the room and lay me down gently. She kissed me softly again as I grinded against her cock. I tugged on the waistband of her boxers which she help with taking them off before taking off my own. I moaned as I felt her body press against mine. My skin felt like it was on fire with the chemistry between the two of us. I squirmed when I felt her cock tease my entrance. I held her close by her shoulders as she slowly inserted herself. She started to thrust at a slow and steady pace. I pressed my lips on hers and let her tongue in straight away. Our tongues danced together as her thrusts got faster and deeper. I dug my nails into her skin and scratched down her back as she kept her pace. We were both just moaning into eachothers mouths now that our lips had lost all function. I could feel the knot in my stomach telling me that I was close.

"I'm gonna cum baby." I breathed out as she continued to thrust 

"Me too love." She grunted as she filled me up causing my own orgasm. She helped me ride out my high and let me calm down before she pulled out. I kissed her gently before she switched positions with me. I was lying on top of her quickly as she covered us both up with a blanket.

"I love you sweetheart." She said as she kissed my head making me smile widely.

"I love you more." I told her tiredly.

"Impossible." She said softly as I slowly fell asleep.

A nice little short one. I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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