Surprise (E.O)

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Requested by Berry2305

Lizzies pov

It's been a hard few months since Y/N left for work. She's a marine and she got drafted out. She's currently on a mission that she can't have contact with me. I've missed her so much. I've threw myself into work working on the new Facebook series which I am also producing. I'm also doing the press tours for the avengers and were currently in San Diego for comic con. I'm currently getting ready in my hotel room with my team doing my hair and make up and they have laid out a red dress for me to wear. I just wish that I have Y/N here with me. I just miss her so much. I miss hearing her voice and her hugs and kisses. Once we are ready I head to the lobby to meet Scar and the others. Scar instantly pulls me into a hug because she knows how I feel when Y/N isn't here.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me softly.

"I'm OK I guess." I told her when we pulled apart as she knew I was lying. She just shrugged it off not wanting to upset me more than I already was. We all got into our cars and made it to the venue. We saw as the place filled up with our fans. It was amazing but I just wanted to see one face that I was missing so badly.

It didn't take too long for them to start announcing and calling us all out on stage one by one. I waved shyly when it came to me. I wanted so much to cry and to be in Y/Ns arms but she wasn't here. I don't know when she will be back. Then soon the questions started. Thankfully I didn't get any questions yet. I wasn't in the right mind set to answer any.

"Lizzie, how is it working with Paul Bettany? You both seem to have the best bond out of all of you." They asked me.

"I'm highly offended. I have the best bond with her." Scar gasped feigning hurt making everyone laugh even me.

"Well it is amazing to be honest. He is an amazing man to work with. He is considerate and kind and it is an honour to work alongside him." I spoke softly with a smile before someone else came up to the podium.

"How is it going with your girlfriend Y/N?" They asked which made me fight back tears at the mention of her name.

"Uhm well its going great. I miss her so much when she's away but I know she is doing something that she loves and I admire that about her." I said softly thinking about her.

They started to ask other questions about the movie and everyone else's relationships when someone else asked a question.

"How long do you think until Y/N comes home?" I heard a familiar voice. I didn't want to look up incase my eyes were deceiving me but I glanced at Scar who had a wide smile on her face as she looked at me. She nodded for me to glance up and when I did my whole world stopped. There she was standing with that smile I love so much and those soft eyes I fell in love with. I wasted no time in getting up and running into her arms. I gave her a soft passionate kiss as the tears streamed down my face as everyone awed.

"You're home?" I asked her which she just nodded.

"I wanted to surprise you." She said softly with a smile that made my heart flutter in my chest.

"I love you so much." I said as I gave her another kiss.

"I love you more." She said as I dragged her to the stage and she sat down While I sat on her lap and cuddled into her. We carried on answering questions before we all retreated back stage.

"It's so nice to have you back Y/N." Scar said as she gave her a quick hug.

"Yeah, it's nice to see Lizzie smile again." Robert teased as he gave her a hug. They all gave her a hug before we all went back to our hotel rooms.

"I'll drop your bag off at Lizzies room Y/N/N." Seb told her as we went to our rooms.

"What was that about?" I asked her confused as we waited for seb.

"Well he helped me surprise you. He picked me up from the airport early hours this morning and I stayed in his room because I wanted to surprise you." She making me smile widely. I gave her a quick kiss before getting her bag off seb and making my way back to her. We cuddled on the bed, it felt so good to be back in her arms. Just the two of us cuddling together. It was heaven.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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