You Are Mine (W.M)

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Requested by MsSmashley

Wanda GiP

Smut Warning

Wanda's pov

I wasn't happy being sent on a solo mission while my fiancé got to stay at home doing nothing all because of another witch. Since I managed to take down Agatha more witches had come out of hiding and Fury kept sending me to find them and eliminate them if they deemed a threat. I was currently tracking a witch called Esther through the streets of Salem. I needed to know what her plan was and if she was tied in with the Harkness witch.

When I had arrived at the location, my hairs were standing on edge at the darkness of the building. I had seen some runes on the walls similar to what I had learned from fighting Agatha. As I walked further in there was a coven stood around me.

"The great Scarlet Witch has finally come to take us down and take her place as the harbinger of chaos." The witch who looked to be the oldest spoke up. I noticed she bore a crown similar to my own.

"I am not who you say I am." I growled at her.

"Oh I know witch. If you were from my time you would have been burned at the stake for your extra appendige and your liking for the same sex." She spoke up as she stepped closer to me. "You would be branded a satan worshipper." She flicked her hand and my vision went black. I tries to fight against her or even conjure up my powers which the runes seem to be limiting myself. "You are young and naive Scarlet Witch. Inexperienced and untrained. You have no chance against even the weakest witch."

I couldn't reply before I saw Y/N before me laying on the bed with her lip between her teeth. I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach as she started to strip before me. It was only when I saw that guy from her work place stripping himself as he approached her before he started to kiss and grope her. My anger was reaching a boiling point seeing as they were having sex in the bed that we shared. I screamed hoping she would hear me or I would wake up from this nightmare but it didn't happen. I was forced to watch someone else fuck what was mine.

"I can give you the family that witch doesn't want." He spoke as he thrusted making Y/N moan louder at his words.

"Come in me please." Y/N screamed as she reached her climax. When they both paused their movements my heart dropped when I heard them exchange I love yous.

I was soon brought back to reality as I stood before the elder as she just observed me.

"You are too emotional and easily manipulated. You will be your own downfall." She spoke as she disappeared. I noticed that the other witches weren't there either. They had managed to get the better of me this time but right now I needed to make sure that my Y/N wasn't having sex with that thing in our bed. I quickly exited the building and flew back home. When I walked inside our apartment I saw Y/N stood at the stove cooking food.

"Hey baby, I didn't think you would be back so soon." She smiled innocently at me.

"Was he here?" I asked her angrily as she looked at me confused.

"Was who here?" She asked me.

"That guy from your work who always seems to flirt with what's mine." I seethed as I pressed her up against the counter turning off the stove with my powers.

"Oh you mean Aiden. No why would he be?" She asked me as I just got angrier.

"Because you are fucking him because I am not ready to have a family with you and he is willing to." I spoke harshly as I pressed my body right up against hers making her breathing increase.

"I don't want anyone other than you Wanda. I would never cheat on you." She spoke softly as she cupped my cheek.

"I don't know that though do I?" I asked her as I reached my hand around her neck and squeezed a little making me smirk as I watched her eyes fight to stop rolling back as a small moan vibrated from her throat.

"You're a mind reader Wanda." She spoke sternly.

"Don't talk to me like that Y/N." I spoke harshly as I applied more pressure to her neck making her moan louder. "I have to show you you are mine." I growled as i reached up her oversized shirt and felt her arousal seeping through her panties. "You are my slut. No one else can touch you like this." I growled as I ripped her underwear away and inserted three fingers without warning as I remained pressed up against her. I thrusted inside her at a fast pace as she struggled to stand before me with her eyes shut tight and her mouth hanging open as she moaned loudly. I curled my fingers making her go wild as she bucked her hips to get closer to her climax. I released her neck as I sunk to my knees and took her clit in my mouth as my fingers increased their pace. She had to hold onto the counter to remain upright as I inserted a fourth finger making her scream my name as she came. I didn't let her calm down as I kept going extremely fast as she whimpered as she was sensitive. She came another three times before I held her hips as I stood before her and slammed my lips against hers as I ripped off her shirt and removed my own clothes before turning her around so she was facing the counter.

"Who do you belong to?" I asked her as I slapped her ass.

"You baby." She moaned as I slapped her again and again until she came again with just my spanking her. I gripped her hips harshly as I inserted myself into her making her moan loud as her legs shook from the over stimulation.

"I am going to ruin this pussy for anyone else so they know that you are mine." I growled in her ear as I started to thrust faster and harder. Her hips bucking forward as I fucked her without mercy. A bit and sucked on her neck making sure to leave my marks.

"No marks please baby." She breathed out as I continued my art work.

"The ring clearly isn't enough for people to know that you are mine princess. They need to see that you are unavailable and I will make whoever touches you like me disappear for good." I growled as I pounded harder and faster. Her hips banging into the counter as I continued my assault on her pussy. It didn't take us both long before we both came as I filled her up.

"No more please." She whimpered as I reached my hand around to apply pressure to here over sensitive clit.

"Ok princess." I spoke softly as I slowly pulled out of her. I carried her to bed and went to go to the bathroom as she lay there sleepily.

"Please don't go." She said softly as she held my wrist. I just smiled and got in beside her. Then she gravitated towards me, resting her head on my chest. It was in this moment that I knew she would never cheat on me. She isn't that kind of person. She is the perfect person to raise a family with and I can't wait for our future together. She has been patient with me and now I know that I want her to have my children.

"I love you Y/N." I whispered  knowing that she is asleep. I smiled as I saw a soft smile form on her face as she heard my voice before I drifted off to sleep with my future in my arms.


A short rollercoaster of a one shot. Let me know what you guys think

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now