Boom (W.M)

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You may need tissues 🤧

Y/N pov

I was laying in bed with my wonderful girlfriend Wanda. We both finally had a few days mission free. I enjoyed the mornings like this when everything seemed still and perfect. I watched as the sleeping beauty was asleep on my chest with her hair sprawled out covering her face and listening to her cute snores. I lightly moved her hair out of her face and smiled when she scrunched her nose. She is the most precious thing in the world.

"It's rude to stare." She said in her accent coming out in her morning voice.

"And what. I'm allowed to stare at you. I have the girlfriend card." I teased her making her smile.

"Yes you do." She said as she leaned up to kiss me softly. She soon moved to straddle my lap and deepen the kiss. I rubbed my hands up her thighs to the waistband of her underwear since she was only wearing an over sized top of mine. She licked my lip for entrance which I denied. I gave her ass a rough squeeze making her moan and jolt her hips forward giving me the opportunity to push my tongue in her mouth. She started to roll her hips on my lap as our tongues danced together. I could feel myself getting wet at what she was doing to me.

"Ms Y/L/N, you are needed in the directors off with Miss Maximoff." Jarvis said making us both groan.

"You're finishing this tonight." She said as she got off me and walked into the bathroom. I went and got myself changed into some black cargo pants and a grey t shirt. I waited for wanda to finish so we could walk together.

"You needed to see us sir?" I asked fury.

"You're finally here. We've been waiting for you both." He said as I leaned forward in his chair. I looked over and noticed Nat smirking as Tony and Peter just stood there oblivious. "Well, Yelena has been scouting out a possible hydra base in the Mediterranean. She has confirmed it and we need to send a team in to disable the base. And you five are the best for the job. I have a plan and Y/N and Peter will scope out the perimeter. Wanda and Tony will attack from above. And Nat and yelena will take them from the ground. We need to get this done quick and clean. They are currently using an old Japanese base of operations. Get suited up and on the jet in 10." He said as he hand the file to Nat. We all watched as he walked out and followed suit. I was quick to put my suit on and all Wanda had to do was click her fingers.

"Since you could do that, you could just make yourself come with a flick of your wrist." I teased her as she just glared at me.

"Why should I do that when I have you and your fingers for that. And there's your super speed. You can make me cum within a minute." She said as we walked to the jet. We both burst out laughing as we strapped ourselves in ready for take off.

"So do we all remember the plan." Nat asked everyone. Everyone nodded while Peter looked really nervous like he was going to throw up. When we land, Yelena is going to be there. We will go to our positions. Y/N and Peter will scout first and give us the all clear to advance on the base. You will also stay there and make sure that they won't have any back up." She said as we all nodded and stood up ready to leave.

"Please be careful baby." Wanda said worriedly.

"Hey whats the worst that can happen. I'm scouting the perimeter which there is more than likely no one there so no danger." I reassured her.

"Please just be careful. I can't lose you." She said softly. I just nodded and gave her a kiss before i left with Peter.

We both went in the opposite direction and scouted through the trees and we couldn't find anyone.

"It's all clear out here." I said on comms.

"Thanks Y/N. Peter keep you eye out on your Peter tingle." Nat said as we could hear everyone laughing as Peter grumbled.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now