When Your Ready (W.M)

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Requested by MsSmashley
Wanda GiP

Y/N pov

Wanda and I have been dating for 4 months now and I have loved every moment of it. The stolen kisses and hot make out sessions. The cuddles and the late night walks together. Just being with her is just so calming. I just love everything about her. I had the biggest crush on her when I joined. She was really closed off at first but she soon started to let me in slowly.

So I am currently waiting for her to comeback from her current mission. So I had her favourite food and snacks laid out in my room, her favourite show ready on the TV. A nice bath with a lavender bath bomb with a nice bottle of red wine. Once everything was set she walked through my door and gave me a soft but passionate kiss

"Hey my love." She whispered against my lips.

"Hi baby." I replied with my eyes closed taking in her scent. When I opened them I saw her standing with a fuzzy smile before she pecked my lips again and went to get some of her clothes that she keeps in here. "I've run you a bath and I've got your favourite food and show ready for when you've finished." I told her making her smile widely at me. Just the way she looked at me told me so many things before she walked into the bathroom. I wasn't waiting too long for her to come out dressed in her boxers and t shirt with her hair still damp.

"Thank you for this baby." She said as I gave her her food.

"I just want you to relax after your mission wands." I smiled at her. I loved being like this with her. We both still have our moments were we have our disagreements like every couple but we are really good most of the time. Once we had finished our food we cuddled together as the show was on. I snuggled further into Wanda as she held me softly. I loved these types of moments, just the two of us. I leaned up to kiss her softly which she held my cheeks. The kiss started to turn into a make out session as I straddled her lap. I wrapped my hands around her neck as she held my waist. She pushed her tongue in my mouth dominating the kiss. I could feel her growing hard as the kiss went on and I pulled away shyly.

"Are you OK darling?" She asked me softly.

"Yeah, let's just finish watching the show." I said as I got off  her lap and sat beside her.

"What's wrong Y/N and don't lie to me?" She asked me sternly.

"There's nothing wrong." I told her with a shrug. I didn't want to tell her that I had never had sex before. I was embarrassed with how many relationships and one night stands she has had.

"I thought I told you not to lie to me." She said with her voice slightly raised.

"I...I'm n..ot." I said nervously. I could feel the tears starting to form.

"Yes you are. You're lying to me. I don't need to read your mind to know." She shouted as I just shrunk in my spot.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as she ran her hands through her hair.

"I'm going to stay in my room until you can tell me what you're hiding from me." She said as she rushed out of my room and slammed the door behind her. I started to cry once I was alone. I hated that I felt like this. I shouldn't be embarrassed about not being ready but that's how my last relationship ended because I wouldn't put out.

Wandas pov

I don't know why I got so angry so quick, but I know she's hiding something from me. I don't want to read her mind without her permission but I need to know what it is. I lay down in my bed staring at the ceiling overthinking everything. Was I too harsh? Was I in the right? Is she cheating on me? All of these thoughts just circling through my mind. I just didn't understand because everything was going so well and it all just changed within seconds.

I must of finally fell asleep when my brain decided to give me a break.

When I woke up the next morning, I went straight downstairs to have some breakfast. I was greeted by everyone but Y/N. I didn't think too much of it so I had my breakfast and got myself ready for training with Nat. Once we finished training, we all sat and had lunch together, but again Y/N weren't there. It went on for days that Y/N didn't come out of her room. She missed meals and team bonding. I was starting to get worried about her. It took almost a week for everyone else to notice. So I decided to go and knock on her door. As I hesitated to knock I could hear faint sobs through the door. I didn't realise that I had hurt her so much the other night, especially after everything she  has done for me. Once I finally knocked I waited patiently for her to answer. When she finally did, it hurt even more to see the state of her. She had lost some weight and she had dark circles under her eyes and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Can I come in?" I asked her shyly which she just nodded and let me in. "We need to talk?"

"Listen, if you're going to break up with me then just leave please. I don't want to hear anything like that." She said shakily.

"No I don't want to break up with you Y/N. You're the best thing that has happened to me. I lost my brother before I moved in here, he was my other half. My best friend. I fucked around with different women because I was trying to fill a void in my heart that I didn't realise that what i needed was you." I told her softly as I watched her body unstiffen. "You were the person who saw through the whole player facade. You saw me for me. Despite all of the bad choices I had made. You loved me for the Wanda who I was before hydra and ultron. I can be myself with you. I don't have to put on a brave face. You let me feel my emotions. You don't invalidate them, you make them seem important. You make me feel important. So I want to know why it all came to a stop last week?"

"I uh I'm a virgin." She said avoiding my gaze.

"And that's nothing to be ashamed of." I reassured her as we both moved over to sit on her bed.

"I'm just not ready for the next step just yet. I'm not sure when that will be and I don't want to make you angry like last time when i stopped it from going further." She whispered with tears in her eyes

"I wasn't angry because of that. I was frustrated that you didn't give me a reason why. But when you're ready for that step we will be fine. I will make sure that you ate comfortable and safe. We will go at your speed. We can talk about it first before we do it so you know more." I reassured her as I wiped her tears away. "I want to make you're first time as special as you are to me. And I am the luckiest person alive to be your first."

"I love you." She said tearily

"I love you too." I told her as I gave her a soft kiss. I laid back in her bed and opened my arms for her which she jumped in to cuddle me tightly. It was so good to finally be with my person after not seeing or hearing her for almost a week


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