The Bodyguard (E.O)

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Requested by razer26
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Reader GiP

Y/N pov

I have been Lizzie's bodyguard since she starred in Oldboy back in 2013. I have enjoyed every moment of my job and I wouldn't change it for anything. The only thing I would change is to not be in love with her because she is always unavailable. I've watched her go through numerous relationships but the latest one she is with a musician. His name is Bobby or something, I don't really care like. I'm on my way pick her up to take her for her training session at the gym this morning. I pulled up outside of her house and walked up to her door. I knocked softly a couple of times. I could hear raised voices as Lizzie's was coming closer to the door.

"Hi Y/N, come on in, I won't be a minute." She said softly as she closed to the door behind me. I stood in the living room as she went back into the kitchen to continue her conversation with Robbie, well more like argument. As soon as I heard something bang I quickly made my way in to make sure that Lizzie was OK.

"Oh would you look at that. Your trusty bodyguard here to save the day." He spat at her. I saw that she had a scared look in her eyes.

"I'm just here to do my job and that is to ensure Lizzie's safety from any harm." I said bluntly

"And you think I'm gonna harm her." He shouted.

"Well by the way you're raising your voice and the vein sticking out of your neck. I'd say you're really angry and people in angered situations can become unpredictable." I said not moving my gaze from him and staying in between him and Lizzie.

"Just get out. The both of you." He shouted pointing to the door.

"This is my house, I paid for everything and it's in my name so you get out." Lizzie shouted stepping infront of me.

"This is unbelievable, you're unbelievable." He spat at her as he towered over her. "I thought you loved me."

"Well when you go around and shag anyone who will let you that love kinda goes away because of the betrayel. So get you're stuff and leave." She said with tears spilling out of her eyes. I watched as he walked upstairs to their bedroom to get his things. It didn't take him long before he came back downstairs

"You'll be crawling back to me in no time. You always need someone because you hate being alone." He said as he through the keys at her.

"No I will not, I will be better off without you." She said as she wiped her eyes. I watched him get into his car and drive off before I went to check up on Lizzie.

"Hey are you OK boss." I asked her softly as I gave her some water.

"I'll be OK, thank you Y/N and please call me Lizzie." She said with a soft smile. "Im sorry you had to see that."

"That's OK Lizzie. Do you want me to call in for you if you want a day to yourself." I asked her softly.

"No that's OK I can do that myself thank you. Do you want some breakfast since it's early?" She asked as she went to look through the cupboards.

"I'm fine. Thank you." I said with a soft smile.

"Well you're eating. I don't like to eat alone." She said with a smirk. I watched as she was so carefree in the kitchen. She was doing something she loved. She was always such a kind nurturing soul. That's one of the things I love about her. It didn't take her long until she had made us both pancakes, we both sat at the island just laughing and talking about anything and everything. I could talk to this woman all day and not get bored of her. I honestly don't understand why Robbie done what he did to her since she's such a beautiful woman. She should be enough for anyone if they are lucky enough to be with her.

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