In Secret (E.O)

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Requested by ajbtch
Ah see what I did there with the title. Just read on and you will get it 😉

Lizzie pov

My wife Y/N and I have been trying to get pregnant. We've been using sperm donors and she said she would carry the baby with my job being challenging. With all of the press and the travelling. The best part is that we have managed to keep our relationship out of the media. We even managed to get married in secret with the help of Scarlett with her being Y/Ns older sister. They were inseparable and it was hard to keep our relationship away from her since she caught us both of you get what I mean 😉. The scolding of keeping it a secret from her was worse than the embarrassment of her catching us both Stark naked. Of course she was OK with no one else knowing about us other than our families. They were there for our small wedding. It was a small wedding and we've managed to keep Y/N away from the spotlight.

Well anyways back to the story.

I'm on set for the new avengers infinity war. Y/N is about ready to give birth at any moment now and scarlett and I are on stand by. The rest of the cast don't know about her since she has never really come with me to any events. She is a teacher and she uses her father's name still so people don't try and put 2 and 2 together. So yeah Y/N and Scar have the same mum but different dads. I'm in the middle of a scene when my phone goes off and Scar gives me a look. I quickly answer it when I see Y/Ns name.

"Baby, is everything okay." I ask as I make sure that I'm not in ear shot.

"Lizzie,you need to get to the hospital as soon as. We're here with her and she is having the baby." I hear MK say. I'm confused as to why she's used my wife's phone.

"I'm on my way. But why are you using her phone?" I asked as I made my way to my car.

"Because you wouldn't answer if it was anyone else." She said which is definitely right.

"Right, I'm on my way." I say as I start my car.

Cast pov

Everyone was wondering why Lizzie left so abruptly and not really bothered to change out of her costume.

"What just happened?" Robert asked as everyone else had confused faces. Scar tried to match as to not give anything away.

"Maybe it's a family emergency." Tom Holland said making everyone else nod thinking that could be it. But little did they know they were right in a way.

Lizzies pov

I got out of my car and realised that I was still in my Wanda costume. Fuck it, it's too late now. I run into her room to find MK by her side as she's taking deep breaths through the contractions.

"I'm here baby." I said as I walked to her other side pressing a kiss to her sweaty forehead.

"Finally, I've missed yuaaaahhhh." She screamed out.

"You couldn't have changed." MK asked with a smirk.

"No, I was rushing. I only had my wife giving birth to our son on my mind." I glared at her. "Can you just go and get the nurse?" I asked her as she walked out.

"Thank you love." She breathed out in between contractions. "Does scarlett know. Am I gonna have black widow here as Well." She teased with a smirk making me giggle as I brushed the stray hairs away from her face.

"I haven't told her. I'm lucky I wasn't spotted running in here." I said with a smile as I shot a quick text to scarlett. It wasn't long until MK came back in with a doctor.

"Ok, let's see how far a long you are and if we can start pushing." They said as they settled themselves between my wife's legs. If it wasn't their profession I would've clocked him one. "You are about ready to start pushing. Is the dad with you?"

"No, their mum is." She said as she looked up at me.

"My apologies ma'am. Shall we get started." They said as they gave me some scrubs to go over my clothes so I didn't get them ruined. It felt like forever of her pushing until they finally started to get somewhere. She started to look pale and tired.

"Are you OK baby?" I asked as I rubbed her forehead.

"I can't do it anymore." She said weakly.

"What's going on?" I asked the doctor.

"She's hemorrhaging. We need to get the baby out and get her straight into the OR." They said as they managed to get our baby out before my wife was quickly wheeled away. I had tears in my eyes scared for her. MK, Ashley and Scar all came back in the room with worried looks on their faces.

"What's happening? Why did they wheel my sister away when she looked like hell." Scar asked frantically.

"She's hemorrhaging, they've taken her to the OR." I said as if I was on autopilot.

It was hours until we heard anything. Scar had brought me some clothes to change into out of my costume.

"Did anyone ask anything?" I asked Scar as I looked at our baby boy.

"They were all clueless. They just think it's a family emergency." She said as she glanced at her nephew.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked her with a soft smile which she nodded and took him in her arms.

"It's funny that no one else knows about her and you guys have been together for what 8 years now. How have you managed that." She said as she held the baby.

"I honestly don't know. Just luck I guess." I said as I held out my pinky infront of the baby as he grabbed it tightly with his tiny hands. I had tears of joy in my eyes that something so small can make you feel so much. I'm in so much awe. We were soon broken out of our moment when my wife got wheeled back in. She was still out of it. "How is she?" I asked as I shot up.

"She's going to be fine. We had to perform an emergency historectomy before the bleed got worse. Was she ever diagnosed with pre eclampsia when she was pregnant?" They asked me which I just shook my head. "Well it was the pre eclampsia that had caused the hemorrhaging and she's really lucky that it didn't effect her earlier. But she will wake up in the next few hours." They said before they left the room. I walked over to her and held her hand as I pressed a kiss to her head.

It had been a couple of months since we had the baby. We both decided call him Oliver. We've finally decided that it's time to introduce her to the rest of the guys since they were still curious as to why both Scar and I had been flaky with work. So Scar is walking with Y/N first to greet them before I walk in with Ollie.

"Hey guys, this is my sister Y/N." Scar introduced her with a smile as she got a series of "You have a sister." "Why didn't we know." Blah blah blah

"And this is our baby boy Oliver Y/L/N-Olsen" I said as I made myself known.

"How do you have a kid?" Robert asked shocked. "You weren't pregnant?"

"No that would be me." Y/N said with a smirk.

"How?" Evans asked dumbfounded.

"She's my wife." I said with a smirk watching all of there faces.

"How long?" Hemsworth asked as he looked between us both.

"We've been together over 8 years now. Married 4." Y/N said with a smile as she kissed my cheek.

"Wow, I'm impressed you managed to keep it a secret this long." Tom said softly as he cooed over Oliver. Everyone was happy for us and our little family just got a little bigger knowing what the cast is like.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one


What's you're favourite hot drink.

Mine is coffee. I don't like tea or hot chocolate

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