You've Changed Me(W.M)

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Requested by wanda_maximilf

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Y/N pov

I was stood against the hood of my 1970 Chevelle. My pride and joy having a smoke with my best mate beside me as we watched everyone walk through the doors into that hell hole. But my eyes caught on to the one girl that has won my heart. I watched as she laughed with her friends from class as they all disappeared from sight.

"She's really softening you up." Yelena said as she took a drag from her smoke.

"No she's not." I scoffed as I knocked the cig from her hand making her punch my shoulder.

"Come on, before we're late for class." She said as she walked ahead of me.

"Are you sure you're not a secret nerd like them lot." I teased her as I tilted my head towards Wanda and her group of friends.

"Yeah I'm sure. I still want to graduate dude. Not all of us have our own personal tutor." She smirked as we walked past them all. I stumbled back when Scrawny Steve Rogers bumped into me.

"Watch were you're going sasquatch or I'm gonna give you a free eye test." I scowled at him as he cowered away and scurried off to his friends. Yelena and I laughed before we walked to our lockers. I smiled at Wanda as she walked past as she gave me a soft gaze. That girl isn't my usual type but she just does something to me.

"Well come on you guys, we're gonna be late for science with Mr Stark." Bucky said as we both groaned. The three of us walked into class together and sat in our usual spot beside each other.

"Hey look, that's the new kid over there." Yelena pointed out as we all looked over and saw a lad roughly our height over at the front of the class.

"Should we see if he wants to join us?" I asked them with a smirk making them both smirk with me.

Once class was over we walked over to the new kid and I slung my arm over his shoulder.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around here before? So you got a name or should I just call you princess." I asked him as we walked through the halls.

"It's Steven Grant." He said in a british accent.

"Well Stevie, I'm Y/N and these are my best friends Bucky and Yelena." I introduced as we reached his locker. He smiled nervously as he traded his science books for algebra.

"So Stevie, we usually have this initiation thing before we get into this little group. We've all done it." Yelena said with a smirk.

"So meet us here at 8pm tonight." I told him as I patted his shoulder before we all went to our next class. I had English Lit and the best part was that I sit next to Wanda.

"Hey Wanda." I greeted her as I sat down in my seat beside her.

"Hey Y/N." She greeted me softly with a soft smile.

"So how's things?" I asked her making small talk.

"Everything is great. We've got the decathlon finals coming up soon." She said happily making me smile.

"That's cool. I'm sure you'll do amazing." I told her as I gazed into her soft green eyes.

"Thank you." She said as a slight blush tinted her cheeks. We sat together in silence as Miss Hill went on and on about some author or poet I couldn't give to fucks about.

When the day had finally ended, Yelena and I made our way to the small docks near the edge of the city. It wasn't long until Bucky turned up with Steven and Loki and Sylvie walking hand in hand.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now