Attention (E.O)

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Requested by kayleesmith231
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Smut warning

Lizzie's pov

I was coming home from the store, I was greeted by Y/N as I walked in. She was getting the living room ready for something.

"What's all this for?" I asked her confused as I walked the groceries into the kitchen.

"Oh I've invited the guys to watch the game this afternoon." She told me with a smile. I love how she gets passionate about her favourite things.

"So who is coming?" I asked her as I was putting them away.

"Robert, Chris E, Chris H and Tom." She said as she pulled out her beer cooler as well. When it comes to game day she barely notices me and it pisses me off. I was soon pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the door go and I heard them all shout in excitement.

"So what food have we got for today?" I heard Evans ask.

"Oh, I'm gonna put some t bones on the grill." She told them. They all grabbed a beer and went outside to the grill. I heard them all talking and laughing as they cooked the steaks.

"Hey, darling do you want a steak?" She peeped her head in to ask me.

"No thank you. I'm just gonna have so anchovies on toast." I told her with a fake smile. She just nodded before she went back to the boys. Once the steaks were all done we all sat in the living room to watch the game. I wasn't really interested in the game bit i just wanted to be near Y/N. I tried to cuddle into her but she pushed me away. I just scoffed and left the room and decided to check on some emails. Once I was all caught up I went to the kitchen for a drink. I just had my robe and underwear on because I was going to have a bath.

"Hey where did you go?" She asked me as she walked into the kitchen.

"To do some work emails and to run a bath. Why aren't you with your boyfriends?" I said with a glare

"It's half time. Are you sure your alright?" She asked me while I just nodded with a fake smile which she just left. I was starting to get really pissed off with her.

"I'm fine." I said bluntly as I walked back upstairs to our room. I just dont get why she never gives me any attention when her friends are around us. When it's just the two of us, she loves to cuddle me, give me forehead kisses. She loves to just hold me close to her and make me feel safe but when the guys are here it's like I don't exist. She just arrrghhhh.

I didn't realise how much time I had spent in the bath when Y/N walked in the room.

"So are you going to tell me whats wrong." She asked me.

"Where are the guys?" I asked her changing the subject.

"They've gone home. The game finished an hour ago." She told me as I got out of the bath and wrapped myself in a towel. "So whats wrong." She pressed again as she followed me into the bedroom.

"You are!!" I shouted as I turned to face her.

"Excuse me." She said taken aback by my sudden outburst

"You. Not once today have you bothered to really include me in watching the game. When I tried to cuddle you earlier you pushed me away. You only came after you realised I wasn't beside you at half time and even then its like you don't care about me when the guys are around." I shouted at her.

"You know I don't have to give you attention 24/7. I am my own person Elizabeth. I don't need to hold or cuddle you every moment of every day. I am allowed to do my own thing." She seethed as she stepped closer to me. I couldn't help the arousal at her anger towards me. I was really lost for words. "So is it attention that you want?" She asked me as she fiddled with my towel. I was frozen on the spot just staring into her eyes. "Answer me princess."

"God yes." I breathed out. With that she dropped the towel from my body. Goosebumps formed on my skin where her finger ghosted my skin. My body tingled anticipating her next move. She gave me a hard passionate kiss slipping her tongue in immediately. I moaned as our tongues danced together. She gripped my hips as she held me impossibly closer to her. I could feel her cock getting harder. She picked me up and pushed me into the wall as she started to move her kisses down my jaw and neck. She sucked harshly on my sweet spot. I was breathing heavily as I tried to unbutton her shirt. She soon put me down so I could undo her shirt.

"You're such an attention whore." She said as I pulled her closer to me by her belt buckle.

"Only for you." I told her as I unbuckled her belt and jeans. She took off her bra as I slid her boxers down her legs. My eyes met with her already hardened cock. I lick up the length before putting it in my mouth without breaking eye contact.

"Oh my." She moaned out as I bobbed my head. I teased the sensitive tip with my tongue with each movement.  I gagged a little when I went a bit deeper. "Remember breathe through your nose." She reminded me which i did. I kept my momentum until she came down my throat as I swallowed it all. She pulled me up and gave me a bruising kiss. "All fours on the bed now." She told me which I complied. I heard her opening a condom as I waited in anticipation. I moaned loudly when she pushed herself into me. She started to thrust slowly so I could get used to  her size. She wrapped her arm around my chest and pulled me up so my back was flush against her front. Her other hand reached down and played with my clit as she thrusted faster.

"I'm close." I moaned out as she continued her thrusts.

"Cum for me love." She said which i did. She helped my ride out my high before pulling out. She then flipped me over and inserted herself into me as I instinctively wrapped my legs around her waist keeping her close. She thrusted at a fast pace as our bodies were molded together as one. She kept hitting my g spot making me squirm. "I'm close." She grunted as she chased both of our highs.

"Me too." I breathed out as she continued. It didn't take us both long to cum at the same time. She slowed down before pulling out. I watched as she went to the bathroom and she came back out with a damp cloth. I watched in awe as she cleaned me up before she lay back down beside me.

"You are my attention whore." She said making us both laugh.

"I love you." I said sleepily.

"I love you too darling." She said as she kissed my head.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one
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