Stress Relief (E.O)

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Requested by @Lizziesmommymilkers
Smut warning ⚠️
Dom Lizzie x Sub reader GiP

Lizzie pov

I walk through the door after a stressful day at work to find Y/N sat on the sofa watching Netflix.

"Hey sweetheart, how was work?" She asked as she stood up and made her way over to me.

"It was stressful. We had to keep reshooting scenes and it was frustrating." I huffed our as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Well what can I do to help?" She asked seductively as she nibbled on my ear making me let out a moan.

"You can let me have my way with you." I told her assertively.

"What would you do to me?" She said as I saw her eyes darken with lust.

"I would tie you up to our bed and fuck you until I want to stop." I whispered as I pressed kisses under her jaw. "You wouldn't be able to touch me or make a sound or you will no be allowed to cum."

I quickly pressed my lips to hers in a hungry passionate kiss. She taps my thighs signalling me to jump as she rests her hands on my bottom making her way to our room.

"Put me down." I ordered her when we were in our bedroom. Which she did without hesitation. "Strip now and get on the bed with you hands above you head." I told her as I watched her strip. I went to our drawers and got the handcuffs out and carefully put them on her wrists. "Is this OK?" I asked as she just nodded. "You're now going to watch me strip." I told her as I started to slowly rid myself of my clothes. I can see her getting harder and drooling at the show that I am putting on for her. "Are you enjoying the show baby?" I asked her as I slowly unbuttoned my pants revealing the hem of my red lace panties while she nodded frantically. "Good." I told her as I stepped out of my pants leaving me in my underwear. I watched as she bucked her hips and tugged on the restraints trying to get free making me smirk.

"Are you going to do what I say?" I ask her as I crawl up the bed to hover above her as she gasps at the skin contact. She nods frantically. "You are not going to make a sound or you won't cum. Do you understand?" I asked her as my lips ghosted hers while she nodded eagerly. "Good girl."

I smashed my lips on hers in an urgent kiss. Her lips felt so soft and perfect. I would never get bored of kissing her. She started to grind her hips to get some friction so i put pressure on her hips pulling away to look at her.

"No moving unless I say. Do you understand?" I told her with dominance while she nodded. I started to place my kisses down her jaw to her neck sucking harshly, marking her. She let out a loud moan as I found her sweet spot. I looked up at her with disappointment on my face.

"Baby, I told you not to make a sound unless i said. So you will watch me as I fuck myself." I told her as I moved off her as she watched my every move. I reached my hand down to my throbbing core as I put pressure on my clit as I watched her squirm. I started to massage my breast.

"Oh god Y/N." I moaned out as I started to thrust a finger in my core.i couldn't help but smile at them trying to get free from the handcuffs. I put in another finger and started to thrust in at a fast pace. I could feel the knot in my stomach telling me I'm close.
"Oh my, I'm Cummings Y/N." I screamed out as I reached my climax. When I pulled my fingers out I placed them in Y/Ns mouth.
"Suck." I demanded as they swirled their tongue around my fingers making me moan. "Now your going to fuck me with your tongue." I told them as I lined my core out with their face. I watched as I saw excitement in their eyes as I lowered myself. They instantly started sucking on my clit making me moan.
"Oh fuck y/n." I breathed out in pleasure. They started to dip their tongue inside my entrance and started to thrust at a fast pace. I moaned loudly as they went deeper as I lowered myself more on their face as I held on to the head board for balance. I felt myself get closer to my orgasm.
"Faster, y/n go faster." I moaned as they complied almost instantly. It didn't take long until I came all over their face. When I removed myself from them I kissed them passionately tasting myself on their tongue.
"Now I'm going to ride you." I told them as I lined myself up slowly lowering myself on their hardened member. I moaned loudly as I watched them bite their lip to conceal their moan. I started to lift myself up and thrust back down at a fast pace.
"Keep your eyes on me. I want you to watch me ride you." I told them as I grabbed their jaw making them open their eyes. It didn't take long for me to reach my third orgasm as I kept going until we both came. I watched their face in pure euphoria as they came filling me up while I came all over their cock. Once we both came down from out high I removed myself from them and uncuffed them. They rubbed their wrist before they pulled me in for a gentle passionate kiss.

"That was good stress relief." I said with a chuckle as I laid on their chest.

"Whenever you need stress relief, use me however you want because I am yours love." They said softly making me smile.

"I love you so much." I told them as I gave them a sweet kiss

"I love you too sweetheart. Now sleep you've had a hard day princess." They said as they pressed a soft kiss to my head before I fell asleep peacefully in their arms.

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