The Big Game (E.O)

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Requested by lovergurl207

Y/N pov

I've been doing quite alot of work outs lately because I've been feeling really sluggish but it is the side effects of my medication for my HCM. I always wanted to play basketball since I could hold a ball and I finally made it.

"Hey baby, are you nervous about the final this weekend?" My wife lizzie asked me as she handed me some water which i had chugged almost all of it.

"Yeah, it's a huge game. We finally have a chance to win and we've never made it this far." I said with a wide smile and excitement in my eyes.

"You're still taking you medication aren't you." She asked softly.

"Yeah I am. I'm just trying to get better fitness ready for the game." I said as I stood up to stretch.

"Please just take it easy and don't push yourself too hard." She pleads as I start to work out some more.

It's now the day of the big game. Lizzie and a few of our friends have came to watch and support us. We are currently in the locker room with our coach.

"I want you all to give it everything you've got. We can win this thing for the first time in history. We've come this far and let's go home with that trophy." He said as everyone cheered and put they're hands in. We all went to our  lockers. I looked at my tub of medication before putting it back in my bag. I need to bring my A game today and I can't be slowed down by my medication.

Lizzies pov

We were near the front row of the court. It didn't take long for the teams to come out and start practicing before the tip off. I would have to say that Y/N looked really good in her kit. As the game went on they were losing by 7 points and the buzzer went for the end of the third quarter. As soon as they started again Y/N was playing the best I had seen in a while.

"What is Y/N on?" Scar asked as we watched Y/N GET another basket.

"Dont you mean not on." I said under my breath. I knew that with her medication she wouldn't be able to play this good. It was because of her illness that she went down to the B Leagues as it was a slower pace to the WNBA. I'm thankful that Scar didn't hear me.

They managed to win by 5 points. I smiled widely at how happy she was winning that trophy for her team I almost forgot about what she had done. When everyone went their seperate ways she came running over to me freshly showered and picked me up and twirled me around before pressing a kiss to my lips before our friends came over.

"Hey amazing game Y/N." Jake said her best friend from school.

"Congratulations." Scar said as she brought her in for a hug. I really didn't want to wipe that smile off her face. After everyone had left us after celebrating I decided that I should confront her.

"You didn't take your medication did you?" I asked her sternly.

"What makes you think that?" She asked innocently

"Dont lie to me." I shouted at her as I stood up. "I watched how you played out there, it was how you played before you got diagnosed with HCM." I watched as she fiddled with her fingers avoiding my gaze. "So why didn't you take them?" I pushed further.


"You are not nothing. There's other things that you can do." I said to try and get her to calm.

"Like......what?" She said as she started to get breathless.

"Modelling. You used to do alot of that." I told her as I watched her closely

"I... was ...a ...better...player....then." she said with my worried eyes on her

"Baby?" I asked as I slightly frozen in my spot. "Are you OK?"

"I'm...fine....just...a...little....out of....breath and...a...." She started as she collapsed on the floor. I quickly ran over to her and grabbed my phone out of my pocket and rang an ambulance.

It didn't take long for us to get to the hospital. I was told to wait in the waiting room. I had already rang scar and she told me she was on her way

"How is she?" She asked as soon as she approached me.

"I don't know. They haven't told me anything." I said as I sobbed into her shoulder. "I can't lose her. I can't." I whispered.

"Family of Y/N Y/L/N?" The doctor said as both Scar and I walked over to them.

"Is she OK?" I asked frantically as Scar rubbed my back.

"She had a heart attack. I understand that she is on medication for HCM and was wondering if she had taken them today." They asked me as Scar looked in shock. No one knew about her heart condition.

"She told me earlier that she forgot." I said as I looked at my fingers.

"Can we see her." Scar asked them.

"Yes, but she is  unconscious and we're not sure when she will wake up." They said before they led us to her room. Silent tears fell down my cheeks as we saw her.

We sat there for a few hours waiting for her to wake up. Scar fell asleep on the sofa in the corner of the room while I stayed right by her bed holding her hand.

"Please baby, I need you to stay here with me, I can't lose you. I don't know what I'd do if i did. So please stay with me, we need to start our family that we both wanted. So please stay because I love you so much." I said as I let some tears fall down my face.

"I'm sorry." I heard her croak out. I quickly got her some water before she spoke again. "I'm sorry."

"It's OK baby." I said as I cupped her cheeks

"No its not. I decided not to take my medication because I wanted to perform my best today. I wanted to win the championship before I retired. " She said shocking me.

"You were retiring after today's game?" I asked confused.

"Yes. I wanted to be here for when we start a family so I decided to take a coaching job with the team instead." She told me with a soft smile before I kissed her passionately

"I'm so happy for you baby." I said with tears in my eyes.

"I love you so much." She said as I rested my forehead on hers.

"I love you more." I told her before I kissed her passionately. I was happy she had figured out that she is so much more than the athlete. Well she still is my basketball star and she will not be leaving my side for a very long time.

Wow a third update. I'm deffo feeding you guys today
I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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