Young Parents Part 3 (E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

The first few months in college with Nathaniel were OK ish. It was tiring with the late night feeds and when he wouldn't sleep right through the night. Then the earlier mornings racing to make sure that we had everything to take him to daycare at the row so he's close to his aunts while Y/N and I do our classes. Y/N done a lot more shoots with the twins and was working practically double than before so that we could pay for all of our health insurance and new clothes for Nathaniel since he just doesn't stop growing. I guess he gets it from his mama since my family are all shorter than 5ft 6. I can see Y/N is very tired whenever she comes home but tries her hardest to help with him.  It is hard especially since we haven't really had a moment to ourselves. I have also found out that I have been accepted to study in Russia for a semester. Its going to be hard because  its a huge opportunity but I don't want to leave my family. So I am torn. My parents are also coming to new York this week and they are staying with the twins. Y/N said that she will pick them both up from the airport so they don't have to take a cab.

So I am currently sat on the sofa having a moment to myself while the babys napping. I was also waiting for Y/N to come home and my parents were coming over for dinner. They said that they wanted to see their grandson. Especially my dad. I honestly feel like chopped liver now. Not moments later the door opened and Y/N came in followed by my parents and Nathaniel started to cry.

"Hey sweetie." My dad greeted me with a side hug as I picked the baby up to settle him.

"Hi dad." I said with a small smile.

"How are you both holding up?" Mum asked us both as Y/N warmed his bottle.

"I'm OK." She told them with a smile while I tilted my head knowing thats not really how she feels.

"Just really tired. It's hard work. I don't know how you both did it." I told them honestly.

"Well when I had your brother, I was working so I had upto 12 months to adjust to parenthood. You're both still in college and Y/Ns working a lot as well so it will be hard. But we're both proud of you both for proving that it's possible." Mum said softly

"Well I have something to talk about and I need all of your opinions especially Y/Ns." I said before taking a deep breath as they all watched me. "I've been accepted to do a semester in Russia. I haven't confirmed anything because I'm unsure about going."

"Will it be a huge help for your career?" Y/N asked me softly.

"Yes it will but I don't need to do it." I told them quickly.

"I think you should go for it." Y/N said with a smile.

"I'll be gone for three months." I told her.

"But it's a huge opportunity. You can't pass it up. It's three months and they will fly by. I will figure out everything with work and college and Nathaniel. But this is huge." She told me with a soft smile.

"I just I'm not sure about it." I said as I played with the sleeves on my hoodie.

"Is this something that you have always wanted to do?" She asked as my parents just stood there and watched.

"Yes it is." I whispered.

"Well then go and learn more of the extreme stuff." She said with a smile.

"I just don't want to leave you both." I whispered as my mum took nate and Y/N pulled me into her arms.

"It's just three months. We will write and call as often as we can. We will video call as much too. Its three months and when you land back in New York we will be at the airport waiting for you." She said as she hugged me tightly.

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