Patiently Waiting For You (E.O)

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Requested by lizzieissosexy

Y/N pov

Lizzie and I have been dating for a few weeks now. We met in a bookstore when she asked for my help reaching for a book that was just out of her reach. But tonight I plan on asking her to be my girlfriend. So I am on my way to pick her up dressed in my lucky shirt. Once I arrived I nervously knocked on her door. Even after these few weeks I still get extremely nervous around her.

"Hi Y/N." She greeted me excitedly. I was in awe of her beauty. She wore a lilac dress with her hair up in a high pony. You could truly see her beauty with out her hair getting in the way.

"You look absolutely breathtaking." I told her softly making her blush and smile shyly. I waited patiently as she got her purse and shoes before we started our journey to the restaurant I had booked for us both. I opened the door for her and gave the hostess my name and we were shown to our table.   

"I've always wanted to try the food here." She beamed at me as she took in her surroundings. "How did you get a reservation? They're always fully booked."

"I know some people." I smirked making her giggle. "The ownr is my uncle. He practically raised me."

"Wow. You think you know a person." She smirked making me laugh. We placed our orders and spoke about our week that we had apart before tonight. We both ate our food in a comfortable silence before my uncle walked over to us.

"Y/N my favourite." He greeted me as he pulled me in for a bone crushing hug.

"Uncle Pedro. How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm amazing Y/N. Are you not going to introducr me to your date or are you just rude." He scolded me earning a chuckle from Lizzie.

"Lizzie this is my Uncle Pedro, uncle this is my date Lizzie." I introduced them as they both smiled.

"So do you feel sorry for my niece. Is that why you're dating her?" He teased her.

"Oh extremely. I just thought it would be fun." She smirked back at him.

"I like this one Y/N. She's a keeper." He told me with a smile. "Well I'll let you get back to your evening." He smiled before bidding his farewell. I paid the bill and we walked along the beach enjoying the peace and each others company.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked her nervously and she stopped to look at me and nodded with a soft smile. "We have been dating for a few weeks now and every moment I have spent with you has been amazing. I honestly can't remember being this happy since before I met you. So what I am trying to ask is will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." She breathed out before pressing her lips on mine in a passionate kiss. I held her hips as she gripped my neck. We pulled apart when it started to rain. I held my hand out to her and she laughed at my gesture but still took it. We danced together in the rain and hearing her giggles was my most favourite thing in the world. I spun her out and then back to me and I kissed her lips tenderly which she returned immediately.

"We should get you home. I don't want you to get sick." I told her softly as I looked into her beautiful green eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

"I don't want this night to end." She whispered in the space between us.

"Well why don't we go back to mine and we will cuddle and watch some movies and get out of these wet clothes." I suggested as I moved the wet strands of hair from her perfect face.

"That sounds perfect." She smiled at me. We both began our walk back to my apartment which wasn't far from where we were. Once we got inside I led her to my room and got her a towel and some dry clothes before I got mine and headed to the bathroom. "Can you unzip me?" She asked me before I could leave. I nodded shyly and walked back to her. I gripped the zipper with shaky hands and slowly pulled it down. Slowly revealing her silky smooth skin.

"I'll be in the bathroom." I told her shyly as she smiled at me over her shoulder as I walked out of the room. I quickly discarded my wet clothes and put on my comfy clothes, which consisted of a t shirt and shorts. I pulled out a spare toothbrush for Lizzie and left it on the counter before headibg back to the bedroom to see her lying on the bed. "You're on my side." I teased her.

"I like this side. It smells like you." She smirked as she wriggled further into the mattress making me smile at her goofiness. I grabbed my remote and sone drinks from the mini fridge before joining her under the covers. I let her pick the movie before she cuddled into me. As she rested her head on my chest, I kept thinking of other things. I was soon broken out of my thoughts when she paused the movie. "What are you thinking about?"

"Just what things you will need for when you stay here." I told her honestly as she moved to straddle my lap.

"Like what?" She asked softly as her hands massaged my shoulders.

"Like what brand tampons you use in case you unexpectedly start your period. What shampoo or body wash you use or if there is a specific brand of toothpaste you use." I said. "Oh I laid out a toothbrush on the sink in the bathroom." I looked back at her and she smiled softly at me. She knew about my lack of need for feminine products which she didn't care about. "What are you looking at me like that for?" I asked her confused.

"You are the sweetest person I have ever been with." She whispered and leant forward and captured my lips in a passionate kiss with her arms around my neck while I held her hips steady. I flipped her over and deepened the kiss. The movie was long forgotten about. I pulled away not wanting to take it too far too soon.

"We should stop." I said softly as she nodded in agreement. "I want to do this right. I want to go at a pace you are comfortable with and not force you into anything."

"Where have you been all my life?" She whispered as she caressed my cheek.

"Patiently waiting for you." I said as I lay beside her and she immediately cuddled into me as we fell into a peacful slumber.

Just pure fluff and more fluff.
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