I'll Be A Modern Day Freddie Kruger (E.O)

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Y/N pov

We were all at Scarletts having a girlie night with Rose, Scar and colin watching Disney movies and playing board games. We were all sat around the table playing monopoly. Rose and I had teamed up together since she still only a baby in my eyes even though she is five. It was currently our roll and Rose was in charge of rolling.

"I hate you" Rose and I said at the same time.

"Well next time don't steal my monopoly!" Colin said with the same energy.

"Come on you two, give Colin the $200 for landing on his property." Scarlett said calmly.

"No, we're not giving our money to a criminal" I said as Rose pulled out her tongue at him.

"That's not how you play!" He said with sass.

"Oh my, why are they shouting at each other?" Lizzie asked Scar quietly.

"Shut up. You don't get to talk after you stole my last railroad." Scar shouted at Lizzie making her put her hands up in defeat.

"I wish I was never born" I said as I chucked the 200 at Colin.

"Me too. Do you think I wanted this." Colin shouted making the other 3 laugh at the 2 of us.

"Arrrrggghhh" I shouted back at Colin.

"I think we should call it a night" Lizzie said calmly.

"You think or do you know?" Scar said with sarcasm.

"Oh I know now not to play monopoly with you guys again." Lizzie said to all of us.

"What about me, I'm the child and I'm acting like the only adult." Rose said with sass making everyone laugh.

After our little heated argument we decided to put it away and watch one last film before we went up to bed. I was sat on one sofa with both Rose and Lizzie cuddling up to me while Scar and Colin were on the other one. Halfway through the film I had noticed that Rose had fell asleep on my lap which everyone soon noticed when they heard the soft snores coming from her.

"I'm gonna take her up to bed." I said as I moved to get up with Rose in my arms.

"Are you sure Y/N?" Scar asked as she sat up to take her from me.

"Yeah I'm sure, you guys stay here and I'll be right back." I told them as I made my way up to Roses room. Little did I know that Lizzie followed me up.

"Sweet dreams little one" I whispered as I kissed her forehead and tucked her in. As soon as I turned around I noticed lizzie stood in the doorway. I quietly exited her room and closed her door when Lizzie wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You're really good with her." She said as I snaked my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me.

"She's really good with me." I said with a smile.

"I can't wait to see what you would be like when we have kids of our own." She said as she gave me a soft kiss.

"Well I can't wait to have little Lizzies running around." I said with a smile.

"No I think I would rather have mini Y/Ns" she replied softly.

"Nah I don't think that would be best. I was a handful, my brothers even had a nickname for me." I told her with a smirk.

"Really I would love to know more about when you were a kid. Hell I'd even love to see where your from especially since you don't have a typical British accent." She said softly.

"Well they used to call me lil asbo and we can always visit my family soon if you'd like." I said with a soft smile.

"Well we will sort something out soon. I would love to see Liverpool and where you use to hang out." She said as we made our way back down to Scar and colin who were both fast asleep on the sofa. So I turned the TV off and the lights and we both made our way up to the guest room next to Rose. We both soon fell asleep cuddled up to each other happy and content.

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