Panel (E.O)

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Requested by vrswnda

Y/N pov

I was in my apartment getting ready when I didn't notice lizzie let herself in with the key I gave her. As I was just putting my shirt on she let herself in my room and wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her hands on my bare stomach.

"Hi baby."  She said softly making me smile.

"Hi love." I said turning around to give her a soft kiss. She started to button up my shirt and left a few buttons at the top. "I could do that myself you know." I teased her which made her smile.

"I know but I just love doing it." She said as she kissed me again. I grabbed my jacket putting it on before taking lizzies hand and leading her to the kitchen. I gave her a bottle of water before grabbing one myself.

"You look stunning." I told her as my eyes looked her up and down.

"Thank you. Are you ready for your first panel as an avenger?" She asked stepping closer to me.

"Yeah I'm ready but just abit nervous." I said as I looked into her captivating green eyes.

"You'll be amazing. I've seen most of your interviews and your a natural." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck while I held her waist.

"Well as long as I have you there with me, I know I will be." I said softly before giving her a soft kiss.

"Well come on or we'll be late." She said as she took my hand in hers and lead me out of my house. I opened the door for her before getting in the passenger side. I watched as she concentrated on the road, lost in her beauty. "You're staring." She stated with a smirk.

"I'm admiring, there's a difference." I said with a smile.

"Oh yeah, what's the difference?" She asked as she looked at me as we were at a red light.

"Staring is something that creeps do. Admiring is what you do when you're in love." I said softly making her smile widely. She started moving again unable to find an answer.

Once we had pulled up we got out and walked side by side together. We have been together for 8months but we haven't come out to the public yet. Lizzie isn't ready for that and I wouldn't want to push her. So the public just think that we're best friends.

Once we were inside we were greeted by the rest of the cast before we had to go on stage. We were just answering fan questions today which is good. It's nice to give back to those who support you even though they don't know who we are as a person. Once we were all seated, I was sat by Robert and Scarlett. I was zoned out as one of the fans asked Lizzie a question and I just watched her answer with so much excitement. I was lost in watching her that I hadn't noticed the next fan come up and ask me a question until Robert nudged my shoulder.

"Uh sorry what?" I asked her with an apologetic look as both Scar and Robert chuckled beside me. The cast knew that we were together but they respected the privacy we wanted.

"I was asking of you have someone special in your life?" They asked softly making me smile thinking about Lizzie.

"Hey look, I think you broke her with your question." Robert teased making everyone laugh.

"Hey, at least I'm not old and crusty and can still get some." I teased back making him hold his chest with mock hurt. "Yeah there is someone special in my life. She doesn't really like the public side of my career but I wouldn't ever pressure her into coming out. She's amazing and supports me with every decision I make."

"She sounds amazing. I wish I could find someone like her." They said softly

"You will do one day. You'll probably find that special someone when you least expect it. I didn't expect to fall for her as quick as I did and it feels like we've known eachother forever." I them with a soft smile. I looked over to see lizzie already looking at me with so much love in her eyes.

"Well who knew the young ones would have the life lessons." Robert teased once again.

"Well that's because it's the modern times, you dark age ways don't work anymore old man." I shot back with a smirk making him gasp and everyone laugh at the banter between the two of us.

Plenty of fans came up and asked numerous questions about the films or other things. But I always found myself lost everytime that Lizzie spoke. I was like the sailor to her siren call. She had me entranced and I didn't care.

Once the interview was over we all went back stage and said our goodbyes before heading to our cars. Once I had opened Lizzies door for her again before getting in the passenger side.

"That was some sweet words you said earlier." She said as she started the car.

"Well it was the truth. I meant every word I said." I said softly with a smile. She smiled just as big as she concentrated on the road. I intertwined our hands as we drove home. I was happy with my life the way it was. I have the perfect girl to call mine and some ok friends. OK I guess my friends are pretty great.

I hope you guys enjoy this one.

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