Bumping Into You (E.O)

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Requested by @Useless_lesbian

Y/N pov

I was on my way to the office. I was in quite a hurry since I woke late and needed to get there before my business partner had my head on a platter. As I turned the corner I bumped into someone. I quickly grabbed their waist stopping them from falling.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I told them apologetically as I finally gazed into their eyes. I realised that I was holding the Elizabeth Olsen against my body.

"Thats ok. At least neither of us had a coffee." She laughed as I joined in as I released her from my hold since she was steady on her feet. I looked at my watch and noticed I was 20 minutes late and now Amanda is definitely going to have my head.

"I am really sorry to be rude but I have to go." I told her softly as she just gave me her heart stopping smile.

"That's ok. I shall see you around stranger." She smiled at me.

"See you." I said as I made a mad dash for the office. I cannot believe that I had Elizabeth Olsen in my arms. Once I made it into the meeting room I earned a deathly glare from Amanda. The meeting only took a few more moments before the investors left and it was just the two of us left.

"What the hell happened Y/N? You were supposed to be here early to give them your pitch on the expansion." She scolded me as she walked around the table to meet me.

"I am sorry. I woke up late and then I bumped into someone almost knocking them over as I ran here." I told her honestly.

"Seriously Y/N, you need to get yourself a car." She groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I don't drive and I hate the LA traffic." I told her as we walked to her office. "And my legs work perfectly fine."

"They won't be working for long if you are late for another important meeting." She said as I closed the door behind me.

"Oh come on Amanda, it was the first time it has ever happened." I told her.

"And it will be the last. I don't care how loud you have to have your alarm but I want you to make sure its loud enough to wake the dead." She told me as she sat at her desk. "Do you know how incompetent I look when my partner isn't here to give their pitch?"

"I'm guessing that is a trick question." I smirked at her

"It is not. I swear Y/N, you need to start taking this seriously or you are going to lose everything." She told me sternly. "You will make sure you are 20 minutes earlier from now on or so help me god you will be tortured with torture that any who has ever been tortured will be scared to be tortured with the torture that I will torture you with."

"I think you may have a slight anger problem." I teased her.

"I am not joking around Y/N or I will have no choice but to terminate our partnership if you aren't capable." She told me sternly. I just nodded wanting her to calm down before she shot lasers out of her eyes and turn me into ashes only to be vaccumed by the cleaner later. I went on the rest of the day working hard and making sure that I had set plenty of alarms on my phone for the morning. As I was on my way home I managed to bump into some one again.

"Twice in one day." She smirked as I caught her from falling again. "I think if you're going to keep holding me like this you should take me out to dinner."

"I uh I am so sorry. I am not usually like this." I spoke nervously.

"It's ok." She spoke as she looked at her phone. "Shoot. I have to go but next time you bump into me I deserve to put a name to that pretty face." She spoke as she started to walk away making me blush.

"See ya." I shouted back as I started my way back to my apartment. And that was how it all started. We had kept bumping into each other until I asked her out for coffee. I learned some interesting things about her that you can't get off the internet and she is truly a beautiful person.

I was soon broken out of my thoughts when my doorbell went. I answered it to Elizabeth looking beautiful as ever.

"Hi, I brought some wine." She smiled at me as I let her in.

"Hey, thank you." I spoke as I led her to the living room. "Food should be ready soon so please make yourself at home." I told her as I retreated to the kitchen.

Lizzie's pov

I looked around their apartment, smiling at their photos that were scattered along the walls. When I had reached their bedroom I noticed a WandaVision poster among many other posters on their wall. I sort of felt my heart shatter because they have lied to me this whole time. They told me that they didn't know me and they clearly do.

"You lied to me?" I asked them tearily as they turned around and looked at me confused.

"What?" They spoke softly.

"You lied about not knowing who I was. So what else have you lied about." I told them angrily.

"I never said that I never knew of you. I just never brought it up so it didn't make you uncomfortable." They spoke as they turned off the stove. "I didn't care that you are The Elizabeth Olsen. The Scarlet Witch. I wanted to know the girl behind all of the fame and fortune. I wanted to know Lizzie because she is a hell of a lot better than Elizabeth. Lizzie isn't afraid to be her goofy self. She doesn't care that she earns more money or comes from a famous family. Lizzie is just the most sweetest, goofiest, fun and kind hearted person that I am falling for. Bumping into you, yeah that was something that I never thought would happen but it did. And I am happy that I did because I get to know the real you, not the girl you read about in the tabloids. And that is all I want, so feel free to stop me from rambling because I will go on." They told me. I looked in their eyes to see if I could see any doubt which I didn't. I cupped their face softly.

"No one has ever spoke like that to me, with so much passion and certainty. The truth is, I have been falling for you too and it just hurt to think that you were using me." I spoke softly as they just smiled softly at me. I closed the gap and kissed them softly.

"So how about that dinner?" They smiled as we pulled apart making me giggle and nod.

"I am famished." I smiled as I pecked their lips before we went back to enjoying our night.


I hope you guys enjoyed this little one.
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