One Time Thing Part 3 (E.O)

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Part 3 will be the final part for this guys.

Reader GiP
Smut Warning

Y/N pov

We've been viewing different houses for the three of us. We can't quite decide which one out of two. So we decided to ask Lucas which one we should buy.

"I think we should get the one with the big garden." He said with a smile.

"Why is that sport?" I asked him as he at in between me and Lizzie on the sofa.

"Well it has a pool and it's big enough for mummy to grow her own food and  for me and you to play." He said making me smile. I looked over at Lizzie see that she has a wide smile on her face.

"Well it looks like we're getting that one." She said brightly.

"Well I'll go and make a call ok." I said as I left the room to call the estate agents. Once I had finished with the call and put a payment down for it I walked back into the living room to see Lucas on his own watching TV. "Where's mummy sport?" I asked him as I sat beside him.

"She got an important phone call and went out of the room." He told me without taking his eyes off the TV.

"Baby, can I talk to you please." Lizzie said as she stood in the doorframe to the kitchen. I nodded and stood up kissing Lucas on his head.

"What is it?" I asked her. I know it's something important since she's very nervous.

"That was our lawyers, they say that we have to do the paternity test." She said quietly. I was getting angry but I needed to keep calm for them.

"Seriously, he's unbelievable. He beats me up on our doorstep and he has the nerve to do this. I don't want Lucas to go through any of this." I whispered yelled.

"I know baby, but they say that we have to do it other wise it will look bad on us. I don't want this. I never wanted any if this." She started shakily. "I hate him. I want him out of our lives." She finished as she started to cry. I pulled her in my arms and held her while she cried.

"It will be OK. We will just tell Lucas that it's an allergy test or something. He doesn't need to know anything until the results are back ok?" I reassured her.

"But what if he is his. I don't want to lose you." She whispered.

"You won't. Both of you won't. If he isn't mine, I'll still love him like he is. You both are my family and nothing will change that. No DNA test will tear us apart." I told her as I cupped her face.

"Are you sure though? You were angry when you found out that there's a possibility." She said while I just shook my head.

"Yes, I was angry but I saw things from you point of view. And I won't ever leave you or Lucas. I'm in this until my last breath." I reassured her with a soft smile. She gave me a soft kiss before pulling away.

"So I'll sort out an appointment ok?" She said as she picked her phone up. I  went and started to cook dinner for the three of us while she sorted it out. I decided to do some chicken tikka fajitas. Once I was plating it up Lizzie walked back in. "That's sorted. We've got an appointment Monday at 10am."

"Ok, we will get through this together." I told her as I set the table.

"Lucas, dinners ready." Lizzie shouted through to the living room. We laughed as we heard the pitter patter of his feet on the floor. He sat in between Lizzie and I while we ate. He told us about the things that happened on his show while we listened intently with wide smiles on our faces.

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