Innocence (E.O.)

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Requested by Weirdo4684467
Smut warning
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Y/N pov

Ever since Elizabeth Olsen joined the cast, I've had the biggest crush on her. The way her emerald eyes glow in the sunlight. The way her eyes crinkle when she smiles wide. The soft tone of her voice that I could listen to forever. Don't get me started on her laugh that is both cute and infectious at the same time. She just makes every day better.

"I take it you're still trying to get miss Vanilla over there?" Scar said with a smirk breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Well yeah. Out of every girl I've laid eyes on she's the one that has caught my eye and actually made me feel something. All the other girls I've been with have always just been sex but with her I just can't really explain it." I told her quietly so no one else overheard our conversation. "And the worst part is she doesn't acknowledge my existence."

"Well why don't you try talking to her." She suggested.

"Oh geez, I wish I would've thought of that." I said sarcastically.

"Well RDJ is having a small party just the cast. Maybe you can talk to her tonight." She said as she wriggled her eyebrows.

"You know what fuck it." I said as I stood up to approach Lizzie who was sat at the other side of the room reading over her script. "Hey Lizzie." I said as I sat down next to.

"Hey Y/N. How are you?" She said with that smile that always made my stomach flutter.

"I'm great. I was wondering if you wanted me to pick you up to take you to Roberts place tonight?" I asked her softly trying to seem confident.

"Uhm I uh I don't know. Don't get me wrong I like you alot but I just can't really trust you. You have sex with every girl that talks to you." She said as she put her script down to face me.

"I uh I don't know what I'm supposed to say." I said as I watched her stand up to leave. I put my head in my hands and groaned. I honestly don't know why she has this effect on me.

"Hey, I saw that. I'm sorry Y/N." Scar said as she sat next to me

"No its fine. Of course when I finally have feelings towards someone it never happens. I'm just supposed to be alone." I said as I walked out to my trailer. I picked up my things before I got on my motorcycle and headed home. I hated myself for the way I was. I did but that was me trying to fill a whole that I didn't realise that I would find the missing piece. I decided to have a beer before I got myself ready to go to Roberts. Once I decided that I was just going to wear a simple white t-shirt, blue jeans, black biker boots and a worn black leather jacket. I got on my bike and made my way to Roberts. I got there at the same time as Lizzie's uber. We both walked up to the door together in an awkward silence. Robert brought us both in for a hug before he pulled away and pulling a face at me.

"You've already been drinking and you drove your death machine here." He scolded me while i just shrugged my shoulders and tried to walk away from him. "Do you realise you could've been in an accident. I've known you to do stupid things but this is the worst one. What's going on with you." He asked as I looked over his shoulder and watched Lizzie turn away from my gaze since she had been listening to us both.

"Nothings going on, I've had a couple just to get myself ready. Nothing more." I said with a straight face but really I just wanted to be anywhere but here.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me." He said as he lead me into the house. Everyone was already here laughing and talking so I decided to go and get myself a drink. As I was filling a glass with whisky Scar came up to me.

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