My Savior (E.O)

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Requested by cnobre13

Lizzie's pov

I was walking towards the little restaurant to meet with my sisters who are here for the week for mums birthday. As I started to cross the road I didn't see the car coming speeding right towards me. When I finally saw it I froze in my place waiting for the impact. I closed my eyes and everything happened so fast and the impact never happened. When I opened my eyes, I was met with these piercing blue eyes looking at me with concern on their face.

"Are you ok ma'am?" They asked me softly as they held my arms.

"I uh I think so." I said shakily at what almost happened.

"Are you sure? You seem pretty shaken up." They told me as I heard my sisters call my name as they both ran over.

"I am still alive thanks to you." I told them sincerely.

"It's nothing really." They shook it off.

"Liz, oh my god are you ok?" Ashley asked as they approached us on the sidewalk.

"I'm fine." I told them as my eyes remained on the blue eyed stranger before me. "Thank you for saving me. Is there any way I can repay you?"

"It's no problem. I was just doing my good deed of the day." They told me as they let go of my arms and MK instantly wrapped her arms around me.

"Can I at least get your name?" I asked them.

"It's Y/N. Its a pleasure to meet you Liz." They told me before they looked at their watch. "Well I best be off, I'm running late and I'm sure your sisters will keep you safe."

"How do you know we're sisters?" Ashley asked with furrowed brows.

"You all look alike, you could practically be triplets." They said with a smirk before bidding a final goodbye. I kept my eyes on them as they disappeared in the crowd of people.

"Should we head home?" I asked them as they both just nodded. The journey home was quiet as I couldn't get my savior off of my mind. Just their piercing blue eyes are enough to pull anyone in. When we finally made it home I walked straight to the kitchen to make some coffee.

"Are you sure you're ok?" MK asked as she followed me.

"I guess so. I'm a bit shaken but I'm still here so that's good." I said as I poured three cups.

"Well it was thanks to that kind stranger." Ashley chimed in as MK and I just nodded. It was thanks to them and I only have their first name. There's no way of reaching out to them either. I really want to thank them in some way.

"You've got that thing at the local high school this week with the cast haven't you?" MK said breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, this Friday." I confirmed.

"Are you nervous?" She asked me.

"I am a little but it would be nice to show the kids that if you work hard enough your dreams can come true." I told them. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and watching movies together.

Friday soon came fast enough and I was getting myself ready for the day at the school. I soon found myself in Scarlett's car on the way there.

"Are you ready for today?" She asked me as she drove.

"Yeah I am." I told her as I watched the buildings pass by through the window.

"Well it will be nice to meet these kids and hear about their dreams." She said softly as we pulled up into the schools car park. We soon walked in and made our way towards the office. We were soon greeted by Robert, Paul and Chris since it was just the five of us here for today.

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