My Hopes and Dreams (W.M)

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Requested by BradyMarvelFan

Male Reader with dad bod.

Smut warning

Wanda pov

I was just sat around the house in my sweats since I didn't need to be anywhere. Vision was at work and the twins were spending the week with their Uncle Pietro. I walked outside to get the mail and saw the new neighbour doing the same.

"Good morning Mrs Maximoff." He greeted me as he walked over to the wall between our gardens.

"Good morning Y/N, and please call me Wanda." I told him with a smile which he returned. 'Or you can call me mummy." I said in my head.

"How are you today?" He asked me with his peircing Y/E/C eyes.

"I'm amazing. Just enjoying some alone time while I can." I told him with a smile. "If you want, you can come over and have some lunch after?" I offered him with a smile.

"I'd like that." He smiled as we both parted ways. And that was how it started. Secret lunches and tea and coffee whenever Vision was in work and thw twins in school. Y/N was different to Vision and all of the other guys. He actually made me feel seen again since Vision is barely here and hardly spends time with me now. It's like I am just here to raise our kids.

So I was waiting for Y/N to knock as I had invited him for a coffee. Once I opened the door I smiled instantly at the man before me. Truth be told, I have been falling for him. He isn't the most muscly guy, he has a little muscle but he has what people call a dad bod and with the confidence he has is sexy as hell.

"Hey." He greeted me.

"Hi, come in. I just put a fresh batch on." I told him gesturing for him to follow me.

"Did you manage to talk to Vision?" He asked me since he has been the only person that I can confide.

"Not yet. He keeps pushing it back." I sighed as I rubbed my forehead.

"I'm sorry Wanda." He said softly.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked him curiously.

"Because you don't deserve that. You deserve to have someone who will be by your side no matter what. Someone who will worship the ground you walk on." He told me making me blush. "You are such a beautiful woman Wanda. Both inside and out."

"Thank you." I whispered as I tried to hide my flushed cheeks. We both had our coffee talking about random things. He told me about his job as a security guard down at the bank and how he loves doing the night shifts. I told him stories about my childhood back in Sokovia before we moved here where I met Vision in college.

"So why didn't you get a job after getting your degree?" He asked me.

"Because I got caught pregnant with the twins and Vision wanted me to be there for them all of the time." I told him

"What did you want to be?" He asked me as he gave me his full attention

"I wanted to be a teacher. I love kids and education and that was all I ever wanted to be since I was younger." I told him.

"You should do it." He told me with a smile.

"I can't. Vision wants me to be here for the kids all of the time." I told him sadly.

"He isn't letting you set a good example for them. He is teaching them that the woman should stay home and look after the men while he's off doing god knows what." He told me passionately.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now