The Best Birthday Present (E.O)

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Requested by DC_Heros1
Smut warning ⚠️
Reader GiP

Lizzie's pov

Today is Y/Ns birthday and we've got everyone around for a small get together. They didn't want a big party so we settled for a small one with our friends and family. We've been together for over 2 years now and it's been the best 2 years of my life. She's currently getting a shower, then she will wear the outfit that i picked out for her. I'm currently setting everything up with Scar since she decided to come earlier to help.

"So what have you got her for her birthday?" Scar asked as she wriggled her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Well for over a year since she went to that strip club with Robert and Chris she's been wanting a lap dance off me so I'm gonna surprise her when everyone has gone." I said with a smirk.

"Even with her family in the house?" She asked with a laugh.

"I booked them all hotels for while they're visiting. I wanted her to have a special present off me." I said with a smirk making Scar laugh.

"Yeah she's really gonna love unwrapping your present." She said with a smirk. It didn't take Y/N long to come downstairs and join us both in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetheart. Hi Scar." She said as she gave me a soft gentle kiss.

"Hey Y/N, Where's my kiss?" Scar said as she puckered her lips.

"Here." She said as she put her hand over scars mouth as Scar licked it. "Seriously." She said as she wiped her hand on Scars dress making us laugh.

"Are you excited for your little party Y/N?" Scar asked with a smile as she handed her a beer.

"Yeah I guess. It's just another day right." She said making us both furrow our brows at her reaction 

"What do you mean?" I asked as I turned to face her.

"It's just nothing important. Just another day in the year." She said with a shrug of her shoulders as she walked away.

"What in the hell." I asked Scar as she looked just as bewildered as me.

Everyone had finally arrived and was celebrating her birthday giving her her gifts until it was my turn. I walked up to her and sat in her lap.

"You're getting my present when everyone has gone." I whispered in her ear as I nibbled on it making her groan. I smirked at the reaction i got from her.

"Can we kick everyone out now?" She asked with a quirked eyebrow making me laugh as I shook my head as I stood up and went to mingle. I left her high and dry.

Y/N pov

Finally everyone was leaving, thank god. I really wanted my present off Lizzie so bad. I tidied up as she went upstairs. As I was getting all of the rubbish from the living room and put it in the kitchen I hear Lizzie shout my name so I won't upstairs to our shared room.

"Are you OK love?" I asked through the bathroom door.

"Yes I'm fine baby. Can you sit at the edge of the bed for me." She instructed making me confused as fuck but I done it anyways. I heard her play some sensual music before she came out of the bathroom wearing a red lacey lingerie set. My eyes roaming all over her body. I watched as she walked over to me and she pulled me up to stand. "Are you ready for your present baby?" She asked in her husky voice while I just nodded excitedly unable to find the words. She slowly started to grind on me as I gripped her hips and pulled her ass further into me. I could already feel myself getting hard. She turned around and pushed my chest with one hand to sit on the bed. I watched as she dropped to the floor and slowly came back up slowly running her hands up her sides before she started to slowly unbuttoned my shirt. I couldn't help but love the view that I was getting of her breasts almost bouncing out of her lacey bra. She reached around her back slowly and unclipped it before resting over my shoulder as she slowly ran her hands down my chest and my stomach. I moved my hands to hold her breasts which she gripped my wrists stopping my movements.

"You don't get to touch." She whispered in the space between us.

"But I want to. Please let me." I whined which she just smirked at me and shook her head. I watched as she stood up and turned to face the other way as she looked over her shoulder at me. This woman in front of me is a literal goddess and I'm one lucky son of a bitch. I watched as she bent down with her ass in my face. I wanted nothing more than to touch her, no I wanted to throw her down on the bed and fuck her senseless. I watched as she stood me back up and unbuckled my belt and pulled my jeans down her eyes not leaving mine. All I could see was lust in her eyes.

"I love your abs." She said as she scratched my stomach sending shivers down my spine. I've decided I've had enough and I just want her, I just want to feel her skin on mine. I pulled her in by her hips for a bruising kiss which she returned immediately. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I picked her up by her thighs. I pushed her against the wall making her gasp allowing me to slip my tongue in. I could never get bored of the taste of her. I moved my hand down to her clothed core and felt how wet she was already. "Please baby?" She begged with a moan making me smirk.

"What do you want love?" I asked her knowing exactly what she wants.

"Please fuck me daddy." She said as I put her feet on the ground. I got down on my knees and pulled her underwear down with my teeth making her gasp. I stood back up and kissed her roughly before I plunged two fingers in her entrance making her moan in my mouth. I kept on thrusting and curling my fingers hitting her g spot while my thumb put pressure on her clit. I listened as her moans got louder and higher in pitch. I felt her walls tighten around my fingers telling me she was close. I pulled my hand away from her earning a whine. I sunk down on my knees and threw one of her legs over my shoulder as I plunged my tongue deep inside her making her moan loudly. I held her steady with my hands as she came in my mouth. I swallowed every last drop savouring her taste before I stood up and kissed her roughly making her moan at the taste of herself.

"I want you on all fours facing the big mirror. I want you to watch as I fuck you." I husked in her ear making her moan. She done as I said as I rid myself of my underwear and put a condom on since neither of us have spoken about kids. I got on the bed behind her and rubbed my hand softly up and down her spine. I had her perfect ass in my face. I lined myself up with her core before inserting myself making her moan loudly. I held her hips in a bruising grip as I pounded into her hard and fast. Hitting her g spot over and over again. The room was filled with the sound of our moans moulding the perfect melody and the slapping of our skin. I reached my hand around her chest and pulled her up so her back was flush against my chest.

"Eyes open love. I want you to watch yourself cum." I told her as I gripped her jaw slightly making her moan at the sight before her. It didn't take long for her to reach her second orgasm. I didn't give her chance to recover from it as I was getting closer to mine. "You're so beautiful when you scream my name." I whispered as I sucked and kissed her neck as I applied pressure to her clit. I watched as she fought to keep her eyes open. I was so close to my climax as was she. I pounded into her faster and harder. After a few more thrusts she came all over my cock while I filled the condom. I gently pulled out of her as I lay her down on the bed. I went to get a wet cloth to clean her up before i got in bed beside her.

"That was the best birthday present ever." I said with a smirk making lizzie giggle into my neck.

"I don't think I can feel my legs." She said as we both laughed as I hugged her closer.

"I love you so much sweetheart." I said as I gave her a gentle kiss.

"I love you too baby." She said sleepily.  We both soon fell asleep with smiles on our faces in eachothers arms.

I hope you guys enjoy this one

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