Forgotten Birthdays (E.O)

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Requested by Chrisz84
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Lizzies pov

I woke up today expecting to see my girlfriend of four years. She has always been with me every year on my birthday. I looked over to her pillow to see a note.

Good morning princess

I've been called in early for work. I've been asked to train some new recruits  but I will see you tonight for dinner.

Breakfast is downstairs ready for you.

I love you so much.

My heart swelled at the note but also shattered that she forgotten what day it was. I done my morning routine and made my way downstairs to have my breakfast. I was in no rush because I had the day off. I was angry and upset with her.

Y/N pov

Once I had gotten to the venue we where having her surprise party. Everyone decided that we would all pretend to forget what today is. I've lied to her saying that I was training some new recruits which i wasn't because I wanted to give her the best birthday she could ever want.

"Hey are you nervous about tonight?" MK asked me as we were hanging up some decorations.

"Yeah. Very nervous." I started as I concentrated on not falling off the ladder. "I lied to her this morning and I hate lying to her. I just hope she won't hate me for pretending to forget her birthday." I said as I finished and step down.

"Everything will be fine. You've always made sure that you were there for her birthday every year since you've been together. I'm sure After she sees all of this she will be so happy." She reassured me.

"I just feel bad that we've got everyone in on this and no ones going to talk to her all day and shes gonna be really upset." I said sadly.

"That's why I've already got Scar on Lizzie duty. You're gonna tell her that you can't go to dinner because it's going to take longer at work and Scar is gonna offer to take her out to a fancy restaurant at around 8pm and really she's going to bring her here and that's were you surprise her." She said with a smirk.

"You've already got this all figured out haven't you." I said with a smile.

"Yes I do. Don't underestimate an Olsen." She said as she walked away making me shake my head.

Lizzies pov

It's almost 4pm and no one has bothered to even call. Not even my family. My mother fucking pushed me out today you'd at least think that she would remember that. But no it seems the complete opposite. I was sat watching TV when I got a phone call off Y/N

Y/N: Hey princess, how's you're day going.

Me: Hi baby, it's ok I guess, I just miss you

Y/N: well I'm sorry princess but I have to cancel on dinner tonight. Captain Smith needs me to stay back later to help the recruits. I'm so sorry love

Me: it's OK, I'll wait up for you.

Y/N: no that's OK love. You don't have to. I'll be home before you know it. I love you

Me: yeah, love you

When I hung up I threw the phone on the sofa in anger. She still didn't remember and I'm furious with her. I'm actually thinking of calling her right now and giving it to her. I was lost in my thoughts that i didn't hear Scar walk in.

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