Forbidden Love (W.M)

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Smut warning

Y/N pov

I followed her running through the fields on her families property. My family lived on the other side of the village but when I had saw her beauty I had to know her. I know that the same sex relationships are frowned upon so we snuck around until we both had enough money to run away.

As I walked through the forest I saw her sat up against a tree. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the evening sun. I soon approached her and sat down in front of her. We had fooled around a bit in our secret hiding places but I needed her. I started to take off her shoes before my hand slowly traced up her leg.

"What are you doing?" She whispered to me. I put my finger to my lips signalling her to remain quiet as my hand got closer to her clothed core.

"I needed to touch you. I've missed you my love." I whispered as I watched her bite her lip in anticipation. My fingers grazed her clothed core as she bit her lip to suppress her moans. I pushed her underwear to the side and felt her arousal as I ran my cold finger through her folds making her gasp. When I had started to thrust my fingers in her, her breathing quickened. When we heard people with horses walking along the path beside us I pulled away from her and just sat in front of her. She was flustered and tried to regaib composure before standing up after putting her shoe back on. I stood up with her.

"Would you like me to walk you back." I asked her as we started towards the path.

"No thank you. I will find my way." She said softly. I watched as she walked towards her parents property. I watched as her dress swayed and the corset hugged her form. The corset made her breasts pop and I had always admired them.

I was currently sneaking into wandas room at her home. I know how hard it is to sneak in with her parents workers. I climbed through her window which caused her to get up and shut her bedroom door.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" She asked as I walked over to her.

"I wanted to see you. I missed you." I said quietly as I gave her a soft kiss.

"This is dangerous." She said as she sat down. I sat on the floor beside her stool resting my head on her thigh.

"I can't wait to get away from here with you my love." I said softly as her fingers combed through my hair softly.

"Me neither darling. I just want to be with you with no one judging us or being frightened of being caught." She said quietly as I hummed. We both sat together in a comfortable silence until there was a knock on her bedroom door. "Quick get under." She whispered as she lifted her skirt up and put it over me as she pushed me under her desk.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now