My Wife (E.O)

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Requested by WaNdaSswEEthEaRt

Y/N pov

We were all going out to a cast dinner tonight. It's been a few months since Lizzie and I got married and it was only a small wedding with family. We both didn't want a big wedding which was perfect. I was finishing putting my shoes on when Lizzie walked down wearing a gorgeous blue dress that matched my dark blue suit.

"Are you ready love?" I asked her knowing that she sometimes forgets things.

"I'm ready baby." She said as she kissed my lips. Everyone knew that we were in a relationship but when she was ready to come out as a couple I had already proposed to her so no one even knew that we were engaged. I opened the passenger door for her and helped her get in before I walked around and got in and started to drive to the restaurant we were meeting at. Once we walked in everyone was already here. They all got up one by one and greeted us before I pulled out Lizzies chair for her before sitting down beside her. The waiter came over and asked for our drink order.

"I would like a beer and a glass of your finest red for my beautiful wife here." I said completely unaware of what I had just said. I looked at Lizzie who had wide eyes on her face as did everyone else. "What?" I asked them all confused.

"You just said wife." Robert pointed out.

"No I didn't. You're just getting old." I told him as my heart started to beat out of my chest.

"She's got a wedding ring on." Little Tom exclaimed. "She has too." He said as he pointed to both of our hands.

"You outed us now baby." Lizzie said with a smirk enjoying my panicked state.

"When did it happen, I want all of the details." Scar asked as she took Lizzie's left hand to look at her engagement and wedding ring. Lizzie told them everything from when we first originally started dating without anyone knowing to the wedding while they all listened in awe.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Evans said with a smile like everyone else.

"How did you all not notice. We've never took our rings off since we were married only for filming." Lizzie said with a smirk.

"Well you don't look at a person's hands unless you know." Scar said as she wriggled her eyebrows making us laugh.

"Unless what?" Little Tom asked making everyone laugh harder.

"Forever the innocent one Tommy." I teased him with a smirk as Robert ruffled his hair. We all enjoyed the rest of the evening talking and laughing. Once we got home I was waiting for an earful off Lizzie since we never really said when we would tell anyone that we tied the knot.

"I'm sorry love, it just slipped out." I said as I slowly tredded behind her keeping my head down

"I'm not mad baby. I'm glad we don't have to hide it with them anymore." She said as she lifted my chin up to look at her. "I'm just not ready to tell the world yet." She told me softly.

"Thank you for not being mad." I told her as I kissed her forehead as I turned around to walk to our room.

"You missed." She said as she grabbed my wrist.

"Really." I said with a smirk while she nodded with that cute nose scrunch that makes my stomach do somersaults. I pressed a gentle passionate kiss to her lips and rested my forehead on hers. "Let's go to bed yeah." I told her as I took her hand in mine and lead her to our room. Once we were in our pajamas she cuddled up to me with her head on my chest.

"I love you so much." She said with a yawn.

"I love you more." I told her softly as I pressed a soft kiss to her lips before she fell asleep.

A nice short fluffy one for you guys. I'm really feeding you today with 3 updates.

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