Fine Line Between Hate and Love (E.O)

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Requested by amina_alshawi13
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Smut warning

Y/N pov

I woke up this morning to my alarm going off. I huffed out because i had a meeting with my manager and the directors of the movie I'm currently working on. The only downside is that I have to play Elizabeth Olsen's love interest. We don't really get along, hell we only really talk nicely to eachother if its scripted other than that we pretty much hate each other. So I did my morning routine reluctantly and made my way to set. When I walked into the conference room I was met with my manager and the directors and her. She looked just as mad to see me as I was her.

"Ok if you will all take a seat so we can get this show on the road." The director said.

"Ok, what are we here for?" I asked them.

"Well for us to get even bigger buzz for the movie we need two of our stars to be in a relationship and you two are the only ones who are single. So we have come up with a contract." They said as they handed us a copy. I scoffed as I read through it.

"Seriously, you expect us to pretend to be in love when we actually can't stand each other." Elizabeth said in disbelief.

"Yes we do. We need all of the buzz we can get. The movie will go wild when your fans see a love on set between actors. Y/N is already out as lesbian and you already came out as bi so it works out perfectly." They told us

"What if we don't do it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You will lose 50% of the gross income earned in sales from the movie. We are almost wrapped up with the movie and we need this relationship to go on for 18 months at least." They told us.

"You can't do that." Elizabeth exclaimed.

"Actually they can do that. It's in the contract." Her manager said.

"So you both need to be prepared to spend a lot of time together. We have set up a schedule for you so you can plan your dates accordingly. We need you to be seen out together quite a lot so that we get the buzz. You will get an extra 25% pay on top of what you will already earn." They told us. "So what do you day?"

We both just glared at each other before she answered.

"Yes I'll do it." She said smugly as she smirked at me.

"Fine." I said as I crossed my arms.

"That's great, you will need to be public for your dates and please sell that you do love eachother." They said as we both signed the contract. "If you break the contract at any time you will lose 50%."

Once we're finished I darted quickly to my car not wanting to stay any longer.

"Hey Y/N." I heard her shout after me. I rolled my eyes before turning to face her.

"What?" I asked her irritated by the whole situation.

"I know that you hate this whole thing as much as I do but I can't ruin my reputation. So please help me with this. Its only for 18months and then we can go back to ignoring eachother." She said with a smirk. "So I'll pick you up at 7pm."

"How do you know where I live?" I asked her with a raised brow.

"I have my ways." She said with a wink as she walked away. I huffed as I got in my car. She really gets under my skin.

Once I made it home, I had a long hot shower to try and wash today off but that didn't really help at all. Once I git out I looked at the time and saw that I had a few hours left so I rang my best friend Daisy.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now